CPU/Mobo Core i5 vs Athlon X4 640

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im planning to get a mid- range gaming pc

i decided to get a core i5 proccy as i think its more VFM.
and i dont wish to upgrade my pc for at least 5-6 yrs

then i came across amd's cheaper quad-core counter part.........
it lacks l3 cache...but there is not much difference of fps in the benchmarks
provided by various tech sites
and its almost half the price or the i5 :)

should i go for the i5 or the athlon..........:huh:
and my requirement is only gaming no video editing kinds of stuff
how much change in fps would i get for these two systems with a good gfx dx11 card like HD5770 or 58xx series

coz i could save the extra 6k in getting a good gfx card
Gaming doesnt need a quad-core anyways. And i5 for sole purpose of gaming is useless.


Following config seems right for you:

Processor: AMD Phenom II X2 550 - 5.2k or Athlon II X4 620 - 5.3k

Motherboard: Biostar TA790GX A3+ - 6.5k

RAM: G-Skill 2GB DDRIII 1333MHz - 2.6k

GPU: Sapphire 4850 512MB DDRIII- 6.5k

HDD: Seagate 500GB SATAII 7200.12 series- 2.4k

Cabinet: CM Elite 334 - 2.2k

SMPS: Gigabyte Superb 460W - 2.2k

Optical Drive: L.G. GH22NS30 SATA/Samsung SH-S22F SATA - 1.1k

Speakers: Altec Lansing VS4121 - 2.8k

Monitor: BenQ 22" T2200HD 8.6k~ / Samsung S2233SW - 9.4k~

Keyboard: Logitech Multimedia - .5k

Mouse: Logitech MX518 - 1.4k
sato1986 said:
Gaming doesnt need a quad-core anyways. And i5 for sole purpose of gaming is useless.

its right that gaming doesnt need a quad-core
but i think the scenario might be different after maybe 2-3 yrs
games may start using 4 cores
i have selected the rest of the config..

a simple kingston/transcend ddr3 1333mhz
benq 2420 - 11.5k
seagate 7200.12 1tb -4k
sapphire HD5770 - (waiting for price drop to about 6-7k
and other stuffs

i just need a a future-proof pc :S to stay abt 5-6 yrs

ocizer said:
AnandTech Bench (beta): Intel Core i5 750 vs AMD Athlon II X4 620

here you go

athlon x4 II is really a good performer in its budget
hey thanks,
man i didnt know anandtech had such a feature....:D

it seems that core i5 kicks the hell out of athlon
but some-where i saw that there is not much performance diff in gaming...

anyways core i5 FTW........

hey wats the diff betw using
a GSKill ddr3 1333mhz and a similar transcend/kingston one
the price difference is almost 1k for a 4gb kit
is it just about OCing

how much fps difference between the two???

at full HD and maxed out quality settings, there would hardly be any difference b/w those two proccys, coz GPU shud be bottlenecking in such scenario, not CPU.

Also with the Am3 socket, you can easily swap the proccy with probably an X6 after 3~4 years. Investing extra 10k for an i5 and full atx P55 mobo isnt worth currently. Invest the same on GPU and get an HD 5850.
Both are good at their Price points. This is a question of how much you can afford.

Best bet is with AMD. as you get 80% of performance with 50% of Price of i5.

Though you are not planning to upgrade. AMD is a wise choice even if u want to upgrade.
v.Na5h said:
i have selected the rest of the config..

a simple kingston/transcend ddr3 1333mhz
benq 2420 - 11.5k
seagate 7200.12 1tb -4k
sapphire HD5770 - (waiting for price drop to about 6-7k
and other stuffs

i just need a a future-proof pc :S to stay abt 5-6 yrs
hey thanks,
man i didnt know anandtech had such a feature....:D

it seems that core i5 kicks the hell out of athlon
but some-where i saw that there is not much performance diff in gaming...

anyways core i5 FTW........

hey wats the diff betw using
a GSKill ddr3 1333mhz and a similar transcend/kingston one
the price difference is almost 1k for a 4gb kit
is it just about OCing

how much fps difference between the two???
u need to wait for a decade to get a hd 5770 for 6k:rofl:

gettin an i5 doesnt help u
get the AIIx4 620 for a balanced rig
really good vfm

the differnce between a normal ram and perfomance ram
mostly depends on overclocking
if you are not into it then get a normal ram :S
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