PC Peripherals Corsair Ram in Bombay

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Hi anyone intrested in buying Corsair Ram, Samvik computers in the gully opposite PC Guide, 1st floor of Hanuman Terrace, deals in Corsair.
The price of the value ram is 2750 @ ddr 400mhz. He does deal in XMS as well but dint have ready stock but can get it. No idea abt the cost of that.
I don't think anybody would be interested in the Value series, if you could get the pricing of the XMS it would be great :)
FYI ....... A friend sent me this price list for Corsair Ram - these are NOT retail prices but a retailers buying price from the importer...... I doubt we will get these prices - maybe prices to us will be slightly above these. I have no idea where these modules are available :)

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