Could you please tell me what's wrong with my site's design (and how to improve it)?

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Hey guys,

I am a rookie blogger. I've been blogging about movies, TV shows, games, books etc. for an year now. I started very small (and in a way still operate on the same scale). I know it takes time to build up a readership and/or fanbase and it depends on a variety of factors like your networking, writing skills, knowledge etc.

But one factor I suppose I can improve on is the technical aspects of the site. I'm talking about things like the theme, the layout, the sharing options etc. I don't want my site to lag behind because of these things and was hoping you people could suggest how I could make some changes in this field. Even if you could point out things you felt are not up-to-the-mark and/or faulty, it would be a huge help.

Here's the link to the site -->


Thanks in advance!
Re: Could you please tell me what's wrong with my site's design (and how to improve i

basic thing I felt : the background image and the logo are dull and lead to feel boredom ..
Re: Could you please tell me what's wrong with my site's design (and how to improve i

might wanna change the font and add some drop down menu's.
Re: Could you please tell me what's wrong with my site's design (and how to improve i

My thoughts.

Background image is too busy and reading text is difficult.

The image at the top has too much space around it.

Post heading div is, for most posts, as tall as the text in the post itself.

This along with the rather large social icons make each post look like a blurb/light on content. Maybe you could display another paragraph before you make readers hit 'View Full Post'?
Re: Could you please tell me what's wrong with my site's design (and how to improve i

I believe there is some heavy JS running, or something of that sort. The page is simply slow when I scroll. I checked on Opera and Chrome
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Re: Could you please tell me what's wrong with my site's design (and how to improve i


Thanks for the detailed replies everyone. Helps a lot. From what I gather,

1. The site's logo is dull.

2. The background image isn't conducive to reading.

3. The font (size and color) make things a bit difficult to read.

I suppose all three of these complaints are directly tied into the site's theme? I would love to install a different theme, one more suited to the kind of blog I'm running. I'll look into the maater. Any further pointers on this issue would be appreciated.

Now, about the drop-down menus, maybe I am getting this wrong...but aren't they present already? The categories of my posts are listed horizontally at the top and once you hover on them, you get subcategories too. I do agree, though, that the layout/indexing is too sparse. I want something like a Slider Menu, Popular Posts and/or Related Posts thing on the blog too. Could any of you suggest some good WordPress plugins for that?

Then, I didn't exactly get whatsinaname's second paragraph. My posts average a length of 700-800 words and the "read Full Post" division usually comes in somewhere at the 200 word mark. I put the "more" tag after the introduction, and have felt that that works as a nice divider. If any of you feel that it doesn't, then please tell me so (and how it should be done otherwise).

And finally, yes, there's some really heavy JS running on the site. I am not exactly adept with tech and don't know 100% about the rumblings happening underneath the site, but if someone could elaborate on what exactly is making the site so bloated and slow, I'll do my best to address the issue.

I do own the site. I am the admin and the sole poster. It's just that I've sometimes installed plugins blindly on the suggestions of people and some stuff like that.

Keep the feedback coming, people! I'm really thankful to all of you!
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