Linux Couldnot Install ATI drivers on ubuntu 9.04

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I followed the instructions as per the ati document and i am getting this error
"Could not locate fglrx.ko for module fglrx in the DKMS tree"
I am a first time linux user and the driver version is 9.7
Is there any steps to perform to avoid this issue. I am using gigabyte 780G mobo with onboard ati graphics. I want to install compiz fusion
Lol i was able to do it for ATI H3450... though it takes time and needs 2-3 re-starts!
Installation of ATI can be done in many ways.

1. Direct Installation - Unpacking the archive

Open Terminal and simply do this

cd < path of the run file>

If you have put the file in desktop it should be like cd /home/$USER/Desktop

To unpack/install simply execute the run file

 sh ./<filename>.run

Replace file name by the full file name of ATI 9.7 archive.

.. You can also create debs or any package using wiki as posted by Vishal sir.

Since you are new to linux and want to install there are 2 ways for you..

1. Navigate to System -> Administration 0> Hardware Drivers

2. Download and install Easy Envy , its a eay GUI with fair installation process.

Mind you, there are 99% chances system will fail after fglrx is installed from any of the methods. Though I haven't tested 9.7 wih Jaunty and I won't do it. :P Chances are very likely system will break after fglrx installation.
I have tried to run directly in the terminal mode sh <>. strange thing happened to the installer. i couldnot able to see the text written on the button. Everything is blank. Followed the instructions in the doc and installed. After reboot fglrx test <failed>. Driver corrupted and garbled images on the screen. I thought i need to reinstall the entire os. Later i got info abt deleting xserver. Its working like a charm with default drivers.

I tried to unpack and run (Direct install) there i am struck with this error. The solution was to change fglrx from proprietary drivers to GPL. But i could not able to do that. 9.7 is the latest driver but what is the stable and easy version to install for HD3200 onboard ATI graphics
yup the text looks weird in that installer on ubuntu...

just google for images of tat installer so that you will know which button is what... and proceed..

mandriva failed to boot to GUI after catalyst 9.4 installation.. i left it that way :P

the best and the most effective way of installing ati drivers on ubuntu is This imo...
Dark Star said:
Tell me the way you have installed it ?

executed as sudo, as root... even in command line mode (init 1)

after restart no display... not even command line mode... had to boot in safe mode (or whatever it is :P )

n then i would land up in init 1 ...where i would reset to default...(i dont even know how to do that either now...was long time ago :P )

tried on last two builds of mandriva... and finally gave up on it..

now i prefer debian based OS rather than rpm... will spend more time on rpm later since im eager to know how wine behaves under it and whether i can have better gaming experience on rpm than deb (via wine)

PS: (Did you check pm?)
^^That did not clear anythig. You mean you directly installed it from extracting the run ?

AMD still doesn't support kernel 2.6.29 which comes with MDV. So you need to have devel packages of kernel so that you don't end up with bad kms installation :P

and once you get black screen press CTRL + F1 and type XFdrake as root and choose free driver from the list to restore ATI radeonhd driver.
yup i tried ctrl+F1 bt that didnt help...

the system simply wouldnt respond at all...

will look into dev thing sometime :)

will try my luck with new drivers..
Well I tried the simple sh <filename>.run method with 9.7 for my HD4850 but nothing happens. It mentions of deleting a Xorg file and a windows does pops up with a button but everything on it is blank, no text or image, nothing. If I click on the empty button, the empty window closes and nothing happens.
^^ 9.7 is not executable by default. Right click on the file -> properties -> permission.

Change Others -> Can read and write, and check the IS executable box.

Try that after going into root :)
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