Countdown To Subsistence!

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"Kept you waiting huh?"
The long-anticipated American release of the director's cut of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is just around the corner,and the anticipation is killing me! So I've made this thread for my subsistence till the release of Subsistence! :D This whopping three-disc edition contains a treasure trove of new features,including a whole new camera angle to the story mode;the two original games that defined the stealth-action genre,Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake,and......more Snake vs. Monkey!!!(my favourite!! :bleh:) It also adds online multiplayer for the very first time in the Metal Gear universe,and includes a full length MGS3 movie for those of us that are too lazy to go through the entire story mode.
Lets start off with a few previews: Gear Solid 3 Gear Solid 3 Gear Solid 3

Now that you know what Subsistence is all about,lets check out how the game looks! Metal Gear Solid games have always been some of the best looking games around,with super-detailed character models and extreme attention to detail.But MGS has traditionally been an "indoors" game with all the previous installations being in angular indoor environments,giving the developers at Kojima Productions very little room for showcasing their true graphical prowess..MGS3 changes all that,and takes the Metal Gear experience to the expansive wilderness,with some of the best graphics ever witnessed on the PlayStation 2.

Thats it for now,but stay tuned for more!:hap2:
Why are all the screens soo green ?
Anyways i wonder if this game will make to india! I mean its the first game to use 3 dvds !
Can't wait for it. MGs3 was awesome beyond the extreme. Hope this one's just as good...Black and this on my list.
Subsistence wont be that interesting as i have already beaten Snake eater 3 times ! Well but the EXTRAS are pretty good. Cant wait to watch the whole 4hours Metal gear solid Movie !
bluffmaster said:
Why are all the screens soo green ?
Lol Kojima has gone filter crazy! Its to provide a "natural" feel to the level.You must have noticed that all the levels in the game look very different,not only due to the different environments,but also due to the various colour palettes used over the course of the game.
Take a look at these:

See what I mean?
bluffmaster said:
Subsistence wont be that interesting as i have already beaten Snake eater 3 times !
Iv beaten it 5 times and I cant wait to play it again a couple more times.But Im only restraining myself cuz I wanna play it in Subsistence with the new cam.
bluffmaster said:
Anyways i wonder if this game will make to india!
It doesn't matter.If it doesn't make it to India,I'm gonna order.Either ways,I'm gonna buy my first original PS2 game in March! :hap2:
Oh well, Ps2 is getting its last dosage of MGS. And what a way to end it. When's the UK (PAL) release stated? Since i get all my original games from UK, will get it original if its a 3 disk edition.
Eurogamer hasn't mentioned a release date,but when I was snooping around the MGS TUS forums (when they were up),the Europeans there were pretty convinced that its gonna be released along with America,so I'd say sometime around March,until mentioned otherwise.
Hmm AFAIK Game in itself wont be much better than already released MGS3 (Gem of a Game) and I have already beaten MGS1 and MGS2 infinite times but yes that movie thing sounds good.

MGS4 trailers for PS3 look really promising though. ;)
arjun123 said:
Hmm AFAIK Game in itself wont be much better than already released MGS3 (Gem of a Game) and I have already beaten MGS1 and MGS2 infinite times but yes that movie thing sounds good.

MGS4 trailers for PS3 look really promising though.

Welcome to TE:ET arjun123! Checkout those preview links I posted above to find out why Subsistence will far surpass Snake Eater,in pretty much everything! As for the MGS4 trailer,yes,its the most promising PS3 trailer Iv seen yet! Oh,and I think I read somewhere that the MGS4 trailer is gonna be included in Subsistence too... ;)
Characters Of Metal Gear Solid 3 *Major Spoilers*

The Bad Guys

Cobra Unit

Formed during World War II by The Boss, each member of the unit possessed unique skills in diverse areas of battle. It is rumored that some of the six-member unit even possessed paranormal abilities. The Cobras led the Alliesto victory in WWII before defecting to join Colonel Volgin and aid him in his megalomaniacal schemes.

The Boss

Sex: Female

Nationality: American

Age: Unknown

Also known as: The Joy (Cobra Unit designation)

Considered a living legend before being branded as a traitor, The Boss was considered the best soldier in the world. During WWII, she assembled the Cobra Unit and developed a style of combat known as CQC, or Close Quarters Combat, making her a lethal opponent to encounter at close range.

The Boss led the Cobras in their defection from the west to join Colonel Volgin to complete the construction of the Shagohad. She was also implemental in Volgin's plot to overthrow Krushchev and the Soviet government.

Her defection was actually one of the greatest sacrifices a soldier can make for their country. In order to prevent a Soviet Civil War and possible conflict with the West, she willingly under orders defected with the knowledge she would have to be killed and have her name forever smeared in history.

She chose her last and greatest student, Snake, to carry out the difficult task of being the one to stop her. She kept her true motives hidden from everyone, even Snake, who would only later realize that her defection wasn't as it seemed.

New intelligence suggests that she is the mother of the Russian agent known as "Ocelot."

The Pain

Sex: Male

Nationality: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Wearing fatigues that mirrored the insects he loved dearly, The Pain was a good friend of The Boss that willingly joined her in defecting. The Pain subjected his unexposed body to the stinging of thousands of bees, forever scarring his flesh, but granting him the ability to control a swarm of the stinging insects at will. With his mastery of the bees, The Pain could summon a wave-like swarm to sting his opponents to death or summon them to engulf and surround his body to protect him from incoming projectile fire.

"Naked Snake" killed The Pain during Operation Snake Eater.

The Fear

Sex: Male

Nationality: Unknown

Age: Unknown

The Fear represents one of the most frustrating opponents to face in battle. With a serpent-like tongue and what appeared to be the eyes of a lizard, The Fear possessed superhuman agility and the ability to contort his body at will. These traits allowed him to literally travel through trees like a monkey, run with beast-like speed, and crawl up and down sheer services like an insect. Using a poisoned crossbow and the element surprise, many of The Fears victims were already dead before they realized it.

"Naked Snake" killed The Fear during Operation Snake Eater.

The End

Sex: Male

Nationality: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Many believed The End was dead. At first glance, this extremely old, comatose man with a pet parrot appearance makes it easy to overlook his skills in combat. Dubbed "The father of modern sniping," The End is the world's greatest sniper that pioneered many techniques that are still in use today. He is able to sustain his body without food for extended periods of time, drawing on sunlight to provide the energy he needs like a plant. It is also rumored his ability to strike down targets in the wilderness was thanks to his ability to talk to the forest to find his target's whereabouts or even use nature to impede their progress.

The End remained in a state of hibernation until The Boss called him back into action to fight "Naked Snake." The End placed himself in this state to conserve energy for an opponent worthy enough to face him in combat. "Naked Snake" was the only man that could possibly meet the challenge.

"Naked Snake" killed The End during Operation Snake Eater.

The Fury

Sex: Male

Nationality: Russian

Age: Unknown

Still wearing his experimental cosmonaut suit, The Fury, as his name implies, is a man filled with rage. One of the first men to see the Earth from space, it is believed the isolation and the confinement within his equipment drove him to madness. When he returned to Earth he met The Boss and immediately swore allegiance to her and her goals. The Fury wields a flame-thrower and has a rocked pack strapped to his back allowing him to fly effortless through the air and rain down fiery destruction from above.

"Naked Snake" killed The Fury during Operation Snake Eater.

The Sorrow

Sex: Male

Nationality: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Date of Death: Classified

This has to be one of the most confusing elements in our records regarding Operation Snake Eater. The Sorrow was a soldier that possessed the supernatural ability to communicate with the dead. With this ability he was able to communicate with the recently deceased to obtain critical information, a valuable tool if a victim died during interrogation.

Records indicate that The Boss killed The Sorrow after the U.S. Government ordered her to assassinate him. Strangely enough, "Naked Snake" during his debriefing, reported that he encountered The Sorrow twice: once during Virtuous Mission and again during Operation Snake Eater. At the time, Snake was imprisoned with a severe injury, so it was excused as dementia.

The Sorrow fathered a child with The Boss that was taken by a group known as "The Philosophers" during WWII. New intelligence indicates the child was the Russian agent known as "Ocelot."


Nationality: Russian

Sex: Male

Age: Unknown

This physically imposing monster was a Colonel in the GRU, the Soviet Union's top military intelligence unit. It was his goal of overthrowing Khrushchev that led to the authorizations of Virtuous Mission and Operation Snake Eater. Using Dr. Sokolov, Volgin was able to complete the construction of the Shagohad with very clear plans of using it help him achieve his coup.

Volgin wore what is believed to be a prototype version of the exoskeleton armor that would later bring Gray Fox back to life as a Cybernetic Ninja. It was this exoskeleton that allowed Volgin to produce electricity that he could project as a projectile weapon or enhance his melee attacks. This also unfortunately led to his intolerance of water.

Volgin fought Naked Snake in three consecutive battles before Snake was finally able to defeat him and end his reign of terror.


Nationality: Unknown, believed to be Russian

Age: Unknown

Also known as: Revolver Ocelot, Adam, Adamska, Shalashaska

While the story of Metal Gear is centered around the life, death and offspring of Big Boss, the mechanizations surrounding them, the twists of fate and unfortunate events that guided the "Snake" family all involved this man. Ocelot motives were always unclear, as he seemed to work for countries that were opposed to one another; a seemingly triple agent. He assisted America, Russia, FOX-HOUND and China at different times during his career.

The truth of the matter is now known. Ocelot, as he is commonly known by, is an instrument of The Patriots, a powerful and secretive group that was forged from the remnants of The Philosophers and secretly manipulates the governments of the world's superpowers as puppets. Ocelot was the child of The Boss and The Sorrow, and was seized from them by The Philosophers slightly after birth. As a child prodigy, Ocelot was trained -- or rather programmed -- in The Philosophers schools. He became an expert of physics, using the knowledge to determine how to place a bullet into an individual by ricocheting it off of several objects if a direct path was blocked. Additionally he excelled in subterfuge and clandestine operations.

During the Virtuous Mission and Operation Snake Eater, Ocelot encountered Naked Snake on numerous occasions, each time being beaten by an amused Snake who was willing to offer tips to refine Ocelot's combat skills. A rivalry formed in Ocelot's mind, and he pursued Snake with a passion (an obsession that will continue in his elder years). It was Snake's suggestion that Ocelot abandon his trademark Russian semi-automatic pistol in favor of a revolver because of his firing stance. This, of course, led to the birth of the mystique of "Revolver" Ocelot. In the 1960s, Ocelot was ordered by The Philosophers to monitor both Snake and Volgin, a task he accomplished by allying himself for Volgin while it suited him.

In his later years, Ocelot would later become a mercenary, participating in battles in the Middle East. It was during this time that he was befriended by the Mujahaddin and awarded the name "Shalashaska" for his sadism and brutal torture techniques that he refined during this period. Later, Ocelot would join the KGB, gaining the friendship of Colonel Sergei Gurlokovitch and using his contacts with the KGB to assist FOX-HOUND in the capture of Shadow Moses. He operated with Liquid Snake under the guise of "renewing Mother Russia," but we now know it was an elaborate plan concocted by The Patriots.

It was during the Shadow Moses incident that Ocelot would lose his right hand after the Cybernetic Ninja "Gray Fox" chopped it off while Ocelot was in a duel against Solid Snake. Slightly after Shadow Moses, Ocelot would have the hand replaced with the hand of Liquid Snake. It was during this time that Ocelot would occasionally show signs of madness, suddenly adopting speech patterns and mannerisms of the deceased Liquid Snake.

We now know that Ocelot wasn't mad, but was in fact possessed by Liquid Snake. Being the child of The Sorrow, we strongly believe that he inherited genetically the ability to communicate with the dead from his father. Given his lack of training, and Liquid Snake's sheer madness, it isn't surprising that the spirit of Liquid Snake overcame him at times.

Ocelot's current whereabouts are unknown. When he was last seen, Ocelot was being possessed by Liquid and in control of the Metal Gear RAY prototype. After fighting against both Solidus and Liquid, Ocelot plunged RAY into the Atlantic Ocean with Solid Snake in hot pursuit. No remains of RAY or Ocelot have ever been found.

Character bios courtesy of UnderGroundOnline
wow brilliant work vedant , i wish i could rep you ! anyways here's a cookie for you ! enjoy !:)

Anyway,back on topic.Gamespot says that those who preorder Subsistence get a bonus DVD!!

Konami will pay Metal Gear devotees a big favor in the coming weeks with the just-revealed documentary DVD Metal Gear Saga Vol. 1, which will be offered with preorders of Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, the upcoming special edition of 2004's award-winning Snake Eater. We got an exclusive sneak peek at this most recently announced addition to the illustrious Metal Gear series, which sounds like just the sort of fan service diehard devotees to this long-running series would expect.

Metal Gear Saga does the seemingly impossible by making sense of the five major games in the Metal Gear canon, including (in chronological order storywise) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (released only in Japan on the MSX), Metal Gear Solid, and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The DVD will be split up into five chapters over 30 minutes, covering the series' overarching narrative, which makes us wonder how the entire story can be told in less than a half hour, when all of Sons of Liberty alone would probably take three and a half.

The documentary will also include candid interviews with the man behind Metal Gear, creator Hideo Kojima, who will comment on everything from the origin of the series to its conclusion in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. He'll also give the dish on the infamous Snake's Revenge, the unofficial sequel to Metal Gear on the NES, which made its way to the North American market in lieu of the actual sequel, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (and which was made without the involvement of Kojima or any of the original Metal Gear team members).

Peek inside the peculiar genius of Hideo Kojima as he gives you a behind-the-scenes look at his beloved series.

Kojima announced at last fall's TGS that MGS4 would be his and series' illustrator Yoji Shinkawa's final outing with the Metal Gear series. Though there was never any doubt about life after Kojima for Metal Gear, the DVD looks like it's going to reveal that at least one major player is leaving with the creator. What we've seen of Saga seems to indicate that if anyone picks up where he left off, the mulleted yet charismatic protagonist Solid Snake won't be revived with the franchise. Over the backdrop of MGS4, Saga reveals that the game is "the sixth and final chapter in the story of Solid Snake." Of course, other directors could go on to create games surrounding lesser characters like simpering antihero Raiden, but without Kojima or Snake, a Metal Gear is Metal Gear in title alone.

The DVD will also include all of the recent Kojima Productions trailers--including those for Metal Gear Solid 4, Subsistence, and Metal Gear Acid 2--and will be packaged in a foil-embossed cover with specially-drawn artwork by Shinkawa. Those looking to pick up the DVD should expect to get it for preordering Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence at major video game retailers beginning mid-February. We'll bring you more information on this DVD as Subsistence approaches.

Oh man....Preorders start in February....

*starts drooling*
r u really gonna preorder it for more than 3000 bucks when u can get it for 80 bucks ???just for the sake of 1 extra dvd ????
Also, Demon make sure the Subsistence you get from matches the regional setting of your ps2 if you're planning to go online. For example if you're ps2 is PAL, then get a copy of a PAL Subsistence. Because if you do get NTSC on a PAL ps2, you cannot go online be it an original copy or pirated.

My console is NTSC/J. And i found out i can't go online on any game from PAL or NTSC of US (That is until a hacked group releases an updated program that changes the region address of your ps2 from NTSC to PAL and so fourth, it already exist but only works on ps2 upto V.8)

@Mods - There is nothing illegal in there. That's just basic info.
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