Counter Strike [Maps|Tools|Utilities|Hacks|Servers]


Counter Strike 1.6 Maps:

Counter-Strike - Maps » cstrike - Counter-Strike Maps for 1.6, Source and Condition Zero.

CS-MAPS.ORG - The Counter Strike File Archive | Hosted by

CS-MAPS @ Online gaming;

Counter Strike: Source Maps

Counter-Strike - Maps » source - Counter-Strike Maps for 1.6, Source and Condition Zero.

CS-MAPS.ORG - The Counter Strike File Archive | Hosted by

Map Terms:

as_ : Assassination

de_: Detonation/Defuse(Bomb)

fy_: Fight Yard

aim_: Aiming

cs_: Hostage Rescue

es_: Escape

Known Hacks

1) Aimbots

2) Wallhack

3) Bunny Hop Hack

4) Speed Hack

5) No Recoil

6) No Smoke/Flash

7) Transparent Tacticle Shield

Counter Strike Commands[CONSOLE]:

listmaps - Lists the maps available on the server that the client can vote for - the server admin specifies which maps get listed by editing the mapcycle.txt file.

sv_restart 1 - Restarts the Game Server.

mp_c4timer <seconds> - Sets the amount of time in between C4 placement and its explosion - ranges between 15 and 90 seconds.

mp_freeztime <seconds> - Set start game freeztime to <seconds> seconds.

hud_fastswitch 1 - Fast weapon switch.

kill - Suicide

kick [player] - Kick the player named [player].

mp_startmoney [n] - Set starting money to [n] dollars.

mp_friendlyfire 1 or 0 - Enable or disable friendly fire.

Counter Strike Tools:

Counter-Strike - Files


AMX Mod X is a versatile Half-Life metamod plugin which is targetted toward server administration.

It has a wide array of scripting capabilities so people can write "plugins", or files which add on to a mod's functionality.

Plugins can take form in administrative services (adding new admin commands), statistics generation (StatsX), fun additions (godmode, etc), gameplay changes (WC3, CSDM), and much, much more!

You can also write modules to expand the functionality of AMX Mod X and add to the scripting language.

AMX Mod X and AMX Mod

AMX Mod X was originally based on AMX Mod, a similar Half-Life modification by OLO. However, AMX Mod began to slip into poor project policies (lack of public input, no open source enforcement, no central source code maintained, and much more).

Due to the dead appearance of the project as all maintainers had disappeared into oblivion, the AMX Mod X project was started.

Since then, the AMX Mod X project has come a long way. Nearly every portion of AMX Mod has been either rewritten from the ground up, cleaned up, or changed to work in a new system.

AMX Mod X is not AMX Mod. And better yet, it's almost fully backward compatible.

Download Here: AMX Mod X - Half-Life Scripting for Pros!

Indian CS Servers:

Change the Game to search for CS: S or CS:CZ servers.