Coupons from Croma for birthday

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drinks like a fish
Hi all,

Recent got croma gift certificates (physical paper certificates) worth 5k for my birthday.

Couldn't really find anything useful there..

Would be really happy if any one of you would take these from me, for an equivalent amount ofcourse :)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
vivek.krishnan said:
Coupon selling is not allowed, AFAIK. trading might be a possibility.

Selling virtual coupons isn't allowed, but actual physical paper coupons is allowed I think.
m0h1t said:
Selling virtual coupons isn't allowed, but actual physical paper coupons is allowed I think.

In which case I would suggest you make a FS thread about it. If you get a warning, you know then it aint alllowed. Else its ok for physical coupons.
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