CPU/Mobo CPU + Mobo + Ram in 6K

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Hi friends,
I m in quest of buying a CPU + Mobo + RAM for my cousin. He wont be using machine for any other uses apart from mentioned one. I m very tight on budget. Please suggest me config with cost lower the better. I more inclined on E350 setup.
  1. What is your budget?
    • 6K - not even 6010
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • Pentium D machine
    • Generic iBall Cabinet, keyboard - mouse
    • Monitor - Samsung 940 19"
    • HDD - 160GB
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - Samsung 940 19"
    • HDD - 160GB
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Intel G2010 or Gigabyte GA 350N available for ~4250
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard
    • RAM - 2/4GB DDR3 1333
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • No upgrade in near future
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Mumbai
    • Open to online purchase
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • Yes
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Browsing
    • MS Office work
    • Watching HD movies
    • Very casual/Rare gaming - like Counter Strike NFS Most Wanted
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • Do not want to buy XYZ company product as I heard the after sales service in India is pathetic
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Counter Strike, NFS Most Wanted - very much of a casual
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - 1280x1024
    2. Desktop - 1280x1024
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 32/64 bit
Intel G2010 - 3300
Gigabyte GA-H61M-DS2 - 2900
Kingston Value RAM 2GB - 1050
Total = 7250

This is lowest new item you can get in this budget.
See if you can get second hand item to fit in your budget.
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Getting exactly same combo from prime (online) at 6100 :D Street pricing might be cheaper.

Yes, street prices are always cheaper. May be you get this package cpu+mobo+RAM below 7k there. Try it first before going with second hand items.
chennai street price
G2010 - 3350
gigabyte H61M-S1 - 2800
2gb ddr3 corsair - 1150
total - 7300!!![DOUBLEPOST=1371186347][/DOUBLEPOST]consider this too - Intel D2500HN Combo Motherboard
What is one step lower processor (in term of cost) if I have to choose ?

tagging old pal @ALPHA17 :)
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One big hurdle in budget :sorry: . Budget is down to 5000 but expecting to get 1000 from old parts (Pendtium D 2.8GHz, 512MB DDR, Dead Mother board) hence 6000 max.
Kindly suggest accordingly now. I thought of to buy G530 available at ~2300 @ theITwares
Ended up buying
G2010 - 3500
Gigabyte H61M S1 - 2950
Corsair 2GB DDR3 1333 Value Select - 1200

Went well above budget but had no choice.

General use was smooth. Played 4GB mkv 1080p files easily. I could install windows 7 in 17 minutes on HDD. You can ask questions. If possible would answer.
General use was smooth. Played 4GB mkv 1080p files easily. I could install windows 7 in 17 minutes on HDD. You can ask questions. If possible would answer.

Thanks would like to know 3 things,
1. CPU load while playing 1080p from HDD.
2. CPU load while watching a 1080p stream from youtube.
3. Multi tasking capability.
Thanks would like to know 3 things,
1. CPU load while playing 1080p from HDD.
2. CPU load while watching a 1080p stream from youtube.
3. Multi tasking capability.

I m actually not having this system with me now as its for my one of cousin. Hence I can not check this atm. But I can tell you about experience. We watched 1080p from HDD and simultaneous copying data of around 40 gigs from my 2.5" external to his HDD. At that time video playback was smooth without any lags. However we did not streamed any youtube video so can not comment that. IMO a 4/8GB RAM coupled with a HD7750 + SSD, it will be a good machine for low-mid gaming.
I m actually not having this system with me now as its for my one of cousin. Hence I can not check this atm. But I can tell you about experience. We watched 1080p from HDD and simultaneous copying data of around 40 gigs from my 2.5" external to his HDD. At that time video playback was smooth without any lags. However we did not streamed any youtube video so can not comment that. IMO a 4/8GB RAM coupled with a HD7750 + SSD, it will be a good machine for low-mid gaming.


the board that you got , Gigabyte H61M S1, is there any mention of rev 1.0 or 2.0 on the box? can you check it for me?
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Thanks. am in the process of assembling a low cost system for a friend.
placed an order for g skill rip jaws 4 gb http://www.flipkart.com/g-skill-rip...4gbxl/p/itmd2rys8pgq3keh?pid=RAMD2RYRXBBF4WC8 and the same g2010 processor from flipkart yesterday
looking for a board now thats compatible with that ram stick.. on the gigabyte support list i can see that 12800cl9d is supported but the one i have ordered is 12800cl9s
any idea if it would be compatible?
Thanks. am in the process of assembling a low cost system for a friend.
placed an order for g skill rip jaws 4 gb http://www.flipkart.com/g-skill-rip...4gbxl/p/itmd2rys8pgq3keh?pid=RAMD2RYRXBBF4WC8 and the same g2010 processor from flipkart yesterday
looking for a board now thats compatible with that ram stick.. on the gigabyte support list i can see that 12800cl9d is supported but the one i have ordered is 12800cl9s
any idea if it would be compatible?

Difference between 1280CL9D & 12800CL9S, what I could found out is, timing. D has timing '9-9-9-24' and S has '9-9-9-24-2N', Where 2N is CR -Command Rate, generally not mentioned explicitely. So I do not think it should affect. But still get a word of advice from more expert guys from this forum.

found this http://www.gskill.us/forum/showthread.php?t=10564

it says

What all is in the Model number of GSkill DRAM?

To explain this I will a model at random - F3-2133C9Q-32GXH which I hope will cover the major points, if anyone has a question on a model # feel free to ask?

We’ll look at a set of Ripjaws X – Model # F3-2133C9Q-32GXH and we’ll break it down to ‘F3’ - ‘2133’ - ‘C9’ - ‘Q’ – ‘32G’ ‘XH’

A) F3 - indicates that this is DDR3 (may also see F2 for DDR2, F1 for DDR
B) 2133 - indicates the rated frequency of the DRAM
C) C9 - This indicates the rated CAS Latency of the stick/set, a lower CAS is indicative of higher performance. Here this appears to be the new indicator, ‘C9’, in older models will show with an ‘L’ as in ‘CL9’, as it appears in the next example.
D) Q - indicates the number of sticks in the set, here Q is for Quad or 4 sticks, also will see ‘S’ for a single stick package, ‘D’ for a dual or 2 stick package, ‘T’ for Tri or a 3 stick package, T2 for a Tri x 2 or 6stick package and Q2 for a Quad x2 or 8 stick package
E) 32G - indicates the total DRAM of the package – alsoshown in older sets as 32GB with the inclusion of the ‘B’ . GSkill sells 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32 and 64 GB sets (hope I got them all)
F) XH - indicates the specific model line, in this case ‘XH’ is for Ripjaws X High, and as long as we have Ripjaws X, there is also the XL – Ripjaws X Low, and ‘XM’ Ripjaws X Medium others include RL, RM, RH for the Regular Ripjaws (low, Medium and High for OCing potential, often tied to the CL where lower CL indicates higher performance), the Ripjaws Z lines use ZL, ZM and ZH (yes, you guessed Low, Medium and High), then there are the Snipers that use SR 1.5 volt, SR1 for 1.35 and SR2 for 1.25, Ares com in AB for Blue and AO for Orange. While these are the primary models there are also earlier models like NT, NS, NQ, HK, PK and others.
G) You might also find a “D” at the end of a model # - this indicates the set comes with 1 or at times 2 cooling fans for the sticks.

edited: the following is info provided in another post that might be useful also - will expand it into a separate info post in the near future:

Freq DDR3 indicated Bandwidth
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You should not face any issue with 1080p youtube streams, the HD graphics are more than capable for the same, and it should multi task decently. I would have suggested a used mobo and ram to lower the costs.
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