21-30k CPU & MOBO required

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  1. What is your budget?
    • 25-28K
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - Intel E7400
    • Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-EP45C-DS3R
    • GPU - MSI Hawk 5770 1GB
    • RAM - 4GB (2x2) DDR3-1600 G-Skil Ripjaws
    • Monitor - Samsung 2033SW
    • PSU - Corsair VX450
    • SDD - EVO 840 250 GB
    • HDD - Seagate 2 TB
    • Cabinet - CM 690
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • GPU - MSI Hawk 5770 1GB (I am planning to change it 6 months down the line)
    • RAM - 4GB (2x2) DDR3-1600 G-Skil Ripjaws
    • Monitor - Samsung 2033SW (I am planning to change it 6 months down the line)
    • PSU - Corsair VX450
    • SDD - EVO 840 250 GB
    • HDD - Seagate 2 TB
    • Cabinet - CM 690
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Intel 4670K - I have found deal for Rs. 15,000/-
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard Z97
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Yes, will upgrade the following within 6 months
    • GPU - Something that will help me play current game at high settings at high settings & will be future proof for next 2-3 years (should be able to play games at mid to high end settings) - some thing like 270X
    • PSU - If needed to accommodate GPU
    • My present monitor is not 1080p, but will upgrade soon.
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Mumbai
    • Open to online purchase
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming - 1080 P - mainly
    • I am fairly content with my current performance for following uses.
    • Browsing
    • Watching HD movies
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • 4670K - I have generally found prices for 4670k in the range of 16000 upwards. Since it is available for Rs. 15,000/- I think its a good deal. Please tell me is it so, because I have no idea of street price.
    • Motherboard - Z87 or Z97. I am more inclined towards Z97, because of future proofing. So if two years down the line if I want to upgrade to Broadwell, I can do it. Need min 6 Sata-3 Ports, 4 USB 3.0.
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Strategy - Civilization 4 / 5, X-Com
    • Action - Call of duty / battle field 3 / 4, crysis 3
    • RPG - Skyrim
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - 1080p
    2. Desktop - 1080p
    3. My present monitor is not 1080p, but will upgrade soon.
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Yes - Not immediately. Don't have time now. Will do it 6 months down the line, when I will be free.
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 64 bit
I want PC to be future-proof for next 3-4 years. I was originally planning to upgrade CPU, Mobo, gpu & monitor, after 6 months in next Jan.
But I found this deal for 4670k for 15000, which I found to be cheaper & VFM than prices online (flipkart, prime, etc.) So I am thinking to upgrade CPU & mobo right now, cause I fill it is a very good processor & future proof.
1) Is 15,000/- for 4670K is a good price or street price is lower?
2) Suggest a good Z97 in the range of 10-12 thousand.

It is not final. My target is to be able to do 1080p gaming at high & above setting at present & mid to high setting for next 2-3 years on 20"-22" 1080p monitor. So if you feel that my choice is more than required please tell so.
The price of 4670K as per delta is 17650/- (though it is 1575/- as per one page price list). In the IT Depot it is 16150/-. The current set up seems to be more than adequate for the monitor you are having. In this case if you want to upgrade monitor after 6 months, you can take up the upgrade for CPU & MB along with monitor. Save the money till then.!:happy:
The price of 4670K as per delta is 17650/- (though it is 1575/- as per one page price list). In the IT Depot it is 16150/-. The current set up seems to be more than adequate for the monitor you are having. In this case if you want to upgrade monitor after 6 months, you can take up the upgrade for CPU & MB along with monitor. Save the money till then.!:happy:
That's what I was thinking initially. But I felt Rs.15,000-/ for 4670k is a really good price.
MSI Z97 PC Mate -8300
MSI Z97 Gaming 3 (13000)
Why this sudden love for MSI boards? Are the MSI Z97 boards that good or has MSI India improved overnight?

The Z97 Gaming 7 appears to use Nikos MOSFETs in the VRM stage, which were suspect for failing in MSI boards when running overclocked AMD chips; the Z97 Gaming 3 probably uses the same. Also considering the Gaming 5 advertises 8 phases but actually only has 4 true phases (the UP1649 used on this board is a 4 phase PWM controller), I can only wonder what the 6 advertised phases on the Gaming 3 actually means. Sin's VRM list is quite helpful : http://sinhardware.com/images/vrmlist.png
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