CPU/Mobo CPU upgrade for 20k

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I want to upgrade my CPU with 20k budget PLEASE HELP ME :).I am a gamer so please suggest best upgrade for ultimate gaming within budget.I am planning to buy Motherboard with AMD processor,4 GB RAM,nVidia graphic card 1 GB.If my plan is not good please suggest good parts with details............
If this is not inclusive of Monitor then Same config but with latest prices & some mods:

Intel 5200 : 3050
Gigabyte G31M-ES2L :2350
DDR 2 800 RAM 2GB : 2200
Sapphire 5770 : 11000
Gigabyte Superb 460 W PSU : 2200
Generic Cabinet : 600

Total 21.5K , It exceeds your budget by 1.5 K But should last you through 2011 and even beyond.
tosh79 said:
If this is not inclusive of Monitor then Same config but with latest prices & some mods:

Intel 5200 : 3050
Gigabyte G31M-ES2L :2350
DDR 2 800 RAM 2GB : 2200
Sapphire 5770 : 11000
Gigabyte Superb 460 W PSU : 2200
Generic Cabinet : 600

Total 21.5K , It exceeds your budget by 1.5 K But should last you through 2011 and even beyond.

missed out on the HDD,optical drive and tax. It would go to around 26k with those....5770 is not a good fit for his budget IMO.
rajan1311 said:
missed out on the HDD,optical drive and tax. It would go to around 26k with those....5770 is not a good fit for his budget IMO.

;) so silly of me! missed out on such basic components, Thanks for reminding. but the prices i quoted for the items are inclusive of tax.
Guys we should not reply to such threads if the format for asking help is not followed.

Its really difficuly whether he wants HDD , monitor , Optical drive

Follow the format now.

Since you mentioned only cpu upgrade , i assume cpu , mobo , ram , gpu upgrade only

Processor: AMD Athlon II X2 240 - 3k
Motherboard: MSI 785GM-E51 -4.6k ( DDR3 futureproof )
RAM: Transcend 2GB DDRIII 1333MHz - 2.6k
GPU: ATI 5770 1GB - 11k
Cabinet: Zebronics Bijli -1k
SMPS: Gigabyte Superb 460W - 2.2k
Sorry that i haven't followed format.....so here goes the format.Many recommended GPUs of 10k range:huh: but i prefer GPU 1 GB within 5-7k as I love playing games even on minimum settings:hap2:.I really dont care abt FPS,benchmarks,etc.,:ohyeah:

Also i have doubt regarding that some processors are given with inbuilt graphic card.Is this GPU worth or the external GPU??? Is there any processor with inbuilt GPU 1 GB default??Heard that PALIT Nvidia Graphic cards are cheap,are they are preferable??








Thanksss :thanx:for evryone who are helping me.........
Processor: AMD Athlon II X2 240 - 3k
Motherboard: MSI 785GM-E51 -4.6k ( DDR3 futureproof )
RAM: Transcend 2GB DDRIII 1333MHz - 2.6k
HDD: Seagate 500GB 7200.12 series - 2.4k
GPU: MSI ATI HD4670 1GB GDDR3 - 4.4k(The Vram doesnt matter all the time. The amount of shaders and the memory bandwidth matters. This is a very good GPU)
Cabinet: Zebronics Bijli -1.1k
SMPS: SagaII350w~1.6k/Zebronics Pro 350w~1.5k
Total: ~19-20k. I guess this would suffice for your needs as you play games in min settings.
Processor: AMD Athlon II X2 240 - 3k
Motherboard: MSI 785GM-E51 -4.6k ( DDR3 futureproof )
RAM: Transcend 2GB DDRIII 1333MHz - 2.6k
HDD: Seagate 500GB 7200.12 series - 2.4k
GPU: ATI HD5770 1GB - 11k(DX11 futureproof . It will help you last through 2011)
Cabinet: Zebronics Bijli -1.1k
SMPS: Gigabyte 460w - 2.2k
Total - 27k

Boss you really need to increase your budget to 27k minimum to satisfy your ultimate gamings needs until 2011 or you'll have to lower your gaming needs to last till q2 2010.

Suddenly HDD requirement pops out with a gaming gfx , cpu,mobo,ram that you suppose to last till 2011.

" Budget 20k aur cheeze 7(that'll last through 2011) , bahut nainsafi hai yeh ! "
Thankss Karthi007 and Anubis.Anubis suggestion ATI HD5770 1GB DX11 is great but i cant afford 11k:( just for GPU.Karthi007's GPU suggestion is within reach and afforable:).
Thankss for valuable replies:hap2:...im still waiting for some more replies:please:
shaplus said:
Thankss Karthi007 and Anubis.Anubis suggestion ATI HD5770 1GB DX11 is great but i cant afford 11k:( just for GPU.Karthi007's GPU suggestion is within reach and afforable:).
Thankss for valuable replies:hap2:...im still waiting for some more replies:please:

Did you compromise with your ultimate gaming experience ?

ATI 4850 - 6.5k will be better
I can see suggestions of graphics cards without knowing what monitor the gamer is gonna play at!!!

If u have a 17" or 19", just get a 9600GT, if a 22" get the 4850 (if HD 22", then get a 4870). This will come out to be cheap and will suffice for ur needs whether be it till 2011 or longer. DX11 is not gonna cause havoc to a basic gamer who doesn't care for details and fps. So, just get these as per ur requirement and enjoy the gaming. :)
I had visited a shop today and they told the mobo choice is great:) but processor is a basic one :(in the series.Also vendor proposed mobo for 5.8k and he not mentioned about SMPS,Does it mean he priced both mobo and SMPS for 5.8k????
He also proposed cabinet Bijli for 1.7k but below it is 1.1k only:@.

Suggested Config:
Processor: AMD Athlon II X2 240 - 3k
Motherboard: MSI 785GM-E51 -4.6k ( DDR3 futureproof )
RAM: Transcend 2GB DDRIII 1333MHz - 2.6k
HDD: Seagate 500GB 7200.12 series - 2.4k
GPU: MSI ATI HD4670 1GB GDDR3 - 4.4k(The Vram doesnt matter all the time. The amount of shaders and the memory bandwidth matters. This is a very good GPU)
Cabinet: Zebronics Bijli -1.1k
SMPS: SagaII350w~1.6k/Zebronics Pro 350w~1.5k

Members Please reply to below questions:please:
Should i get better processor than suggested by some members???Please Explain??
Is the vendor charging more money???

Thanksss for everyone:thanks!: helping this far
Never take the words of the vendors for granted. All they want is to sell of whatever they can.

The prices you have mentioned in the list are fine. You can not decide on the GPU, if you don't mention your monitor's resolution.
Get the Athlon X4 620 Its a quad core at 5.4k!!!;)

Zebronics Desire is also a good cabinet with 2 x 80mm cooling fans and 4 front usb ports

BTW,I am able to run all games I have encountered till now at 1440 x 900(Native 19" resolution of my lcd monitor) with high settings and 4 xAA,with no problem what so ever!!:D
Srirama said:
Get the Athlon X4 620 Its a quad core at 5.4k!!!;)

Zebronics Desire is also a good cabinet with 2 x 80mm cooling fans and 4 front usb ports

BTW,I am able to run all games I have encountered till now at 1440 x 900(Native 19" resolution of my lcd monitor) with high settings and 4 xAA,with no problem what so ever!!:D

Zebronics Fantasy is also good cabby

3x120mm + 1x80mm

Transparent Side panel

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