Security Software CPU usage troubles..

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I noticed this from a few days back....when i oen the task manager in shows CPU usage to be arnd 70% or above as soon as the task manager strts....but then the next second it falls down to 3 or 1%....

is this normal..??

I have a p4 3ghz with a 865gbf mobo...

No cpu intensive programs are running.only messengers and steam and sm IE or firefox windows...? :O
Yep, its normal. Happens on my PC too :)

I assume this happens because , when you start Task Manager, obviously the CPU is loaded at that fraction of a second when it launches Task Manager, hence Task Manager shows the sudden jump in CPU usage(caused by itself) and then settles back to normal.

Also the CPU tends to work in bursts under normal usage. You can verify this by opening Task Manager and pressing the F5 key, to increase the refresh rate of the Task Manager screen. You will see CPU usage shown as rapid spikes rather than one continuous line.
It's perfectly normal man. Even mine goes to 65-80% before returning to 5-9. There is a sudden usage in the CPU usage.

Try this: Kepp ur update speed to frequent. (View-->update speed-->high). Now it comes down immediately after the task manager is ready to operate.
hey when u open up many pages in firefox the cpu activity will go up and then suddenly go down after the pages are rendered. So its quite normal
ice, u got that new RAM?
coz i say again, ur loosing lots of perrformance by not running ur RAM in dual channel..
LOl....k me thnkin bout thm too by now,

K prob solved thread shud b closed....
but 1 more thing guys, r those d43's original for 2k??
that only ice can answer, i got a 512 stick a month back for 2.5k, orignal. but funkey was saying something about box pieces available with his dealer, so u can contact him :)
K Bottle.
Thnx For the info Rave.

PS:ram was 2.1k whn i last inquired too but thn tht fake transcends thread came up nd in tht the the hynix pricing differed.
btw original hynix is still 2.1k here in mumbai
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