Crash Time (Burnout style PC game)

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Also everyone who keeps wishing for a remake of NFS:PU should give Mercedes World Racing a try. It's got the same pseudo-sim handling, fantastic scenic tracks, great cockpit views, etc.

What was with all the mediocre reviews then? Also, crash time looks beautiful. Thanks for the heads up.
That's the thing about statistical opinions, either you give a crap about them or you don't.
Halo and The Sims are among the top 10 games ever made.

I haven't played the second Merc World Racing, but cruising in a 300SL Gullwing in the first game was an experience surpassing NFS 7 through 11 combined.
I understand where you're coming from since I once played a game in which a friend of mine was personally involved that I thought was great but was rated rather poorly on account of the dev team being an underdog.
The Screenshots looks good, but not as good as Burnout Series & especially Burnout Paradise :lol: .......
i thought d crashing is more realistic n lots of vehicles from limo to tanks but d over all built quality is much poorer dan burnout.
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