Create one application for iOS, Android, Windows using QT. Possible?

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Hmm... So Xamarin.

Its possible to do so with that. But still, for all the platforms atleast for Windows and Android which i tested the UI was totally out of order. I had a small button and a edit box in windows..working fine. But with android, I had to customize it again.
That's why I said in that same post, you can't be 100% sure that everything will work perfectly fine. It's a framework. And the thing you are looking for will need a framework and when you rely on some job (in this case UI Design Job) to framework, it does it in it's own way, and sometimes it may not be correct or perfect, because it does so with some logic.

This the reason, why most of the good apps are developed natively. Otherwise, we'd have all apps in all platforms. Supporting a new platform would be nothing big as soon as the framework starts supporting it.

To get the best out of it, you have to move to native apps.
Hmmm.. Actually something else came up. Billable work. :). So this kinda on hold. But yea did few hours of research. Last hold was Jdeveloper & ADF. Also want to try QT in a mac. Dont get access to a mac machine often. :S

Will post in more detail soon.
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