Linux Creating shortcut in LInux!

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Sanjeet Arora

I downloaded and installed a program called RP-PPPOE in Linux Ubuntu Ultimate version.
I want to know the procedure to install it under linux and to create a shortcut.

I run the program everytime by using command:-
sudo sh go-gui

Then a long list of commands come up in the terminal and then the program begins. However i don't find any shortcut for running the program. I always follow this procedure to start the program:hap5:

I am able to run it using terminal but i want to access the gui always for the package. Plz help me how can i do so?
Since the program has a gui and its working and installed perfectly, creating a shortcut is a childs play :P

Just right click on the empty space in the desktop region. Select create launcher enter the details and you are done .
Omg dark star!!! Linuxxx haz a right-click option ??!?!!!! *giggle* i am a new linux fanboi!!! K-thx-bai !!!
Creating shortcuts is very easy in Linux

1. Right Click > Create Launcher

Fill up the parameters as follows

Type :Application in terminal

Name: (whatever you want to name your application as)

Command :sudo sh go-gui

Comment : (optional)

2. To set your own icon .click on the springboard image on the left side ,a window should pop up with a list of icons . You can either choose those or click on the browse button to import your own icon/image . '.png' icons and images recommended .

3. click ok

Every time you click on the shortcut a console will open up prompting for a password .

From your description it seems like a console dependent program if so

To close the program you need to close the console by selecting the console and ctrl+c .

Note: Always keep the console open when using console dependent programs .

PS : If the program has a GUI it should open up .But it will not bypass the console if your program requires password authentication .



  • Icon1.png
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vishalrao said:
Omg dark star!!! Linuxxx haz a right-click option ??!?!!!! *giggle* i am a new linux fanboi!!! K-thx-bai !!!

Everybody confuses, Gnome and nautilus with Linux. it should be mentioned these guides are applicable to gnome users only.

if you want to get down and dirty simple use ln comand

$ ln -s {/path/to/file-name/shortcut-to} {/path/to/flink-name/name-of-shortcut}
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