Creative officially announced its new MP3-player ZEN Neeon 2. This is a flash player capacious of 1, 2 or 4 GB. Unlike its predecessor ZEN Neeon, the new player is equipped with a color LCD, which can display video and digital photos. It is slimmer and narrower – 81x42x12.5 mm instead of 79.9x46.9x15.9 mm, it weighs 50 g
The specs of ZEN Neeon 2:
>1.5†CSTN LCD, 128x128 pixels
>FM-radio and microphone
>Supported formats - MP3, WMA, WAV, JPEG and AVI
>USB 2.0 interface
>Li-Pol battery (up to 20 hours of music playback and 8 hours of video
>Dimensions – 81x42x12.5 mm
>Weight - 50 g
The player has a black shell with metallic back panels (5 colors). The company also released stickers displaying music genres. ZEN Neeon 2 will be available in August with 1 and 2 GB, the 4GB version will come out later. The recommended price makes up $199, $269 and $309 respectively.
Source Âñå î ìîáèëüÃÂîé òåõÃÂèêå è òåõÃÂîëîãèÿõ
The specs of ZEN Neeon 2:
>1.5†CSTN LCD, 128x128 pixels
>FM-radio and microphone
>Supported formats - MP3, WMA, WAV, JPEG and AVI
>USB 2.0 interface
>Li-Pol battery (up to 20 hours of music playback and 8 hours of video
>Dimensions – 81x42x12.5 mm
>Weight - 50 g
The player has a black shell with metallic back panels (5 colors). The company also released stickers displaying music genres. ZEN Neeon 2 will be available in August with 1 and 2 GB, the 4GB version will come out later. The recommended price makes up $199, $269 and $309 respectively.
Source Âñå î ìîáèëüÃÂîé òåõÃÂèêå è òåõÃÂîëîãèÿõ