PC Peripherals Creative's New X-Fi Audio Processor

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Caffeine Addict
ExtremeTech said:
Creative's "EMU10K2.5" architecture that powers current-generation Audigy 2 ZS cards is a derivative of the original EMU10K1 audio processor found on the Sound Blaster Live, which debuted seven years ago. That's a long time to go between major architectural overhauls, but Creative is the only company left doing hardware audio acceleration. Even so, the company is pressing ahead with an aggressive new architecture called X-Fi, with which the company intends to deliver "Xtreme Fidelity." The X-Fi is poised to bring huge tracts of audio processing horsepower to the PC, delivering new levels of audio effects in games, and enabling very versatile digital audio workstations. Today, we'll take you through the inner workings of this new audio powerhouse, and show you how X-Fi could well reshape the PC audio landscape

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Hmm...The SRC part seems interesting.... ;)
Does tht mean thr r gonna be a 2 totallt diff versions having variable audio quality?? :huh:

EDIT: WhOa 64mb on a soundcard....lol :rofl:
BTW 7 yrs of life in computer world looks like a good buy aftr audigy.....as audigy2 was nuthin more than firewire on audigy :rofl:
Creative has announced a new X-FI "Xtreme Fidelity" audio processor that it claims is 24 times more powerful than its predecessor.
Xtreme Fidelity sets a new standard for audio by supporting a combination of 24-bit quality, stunning audio clarity with a minimum of 110db SNR and the new CMSS® (Creative Multi Speaker Surround) 3D headphone and surround speaker technology. Consumers will be able to upgrade their existing CD and MP3 music to the Xtreme Fidelity standard, using applications that can run on the Creative X-Fi Xtreme Fidelity audio processor. Being able to upgrade an existing library of music to Xtreme Fidelity differentiates it from other high-end music standards such as DVD-A and SACD, which offer limited selection and require consumers to repurchase their music in that specific format. When consumers upgrade their CD or MP3 music to the new Xtreme Fidelity standard, they will be able to experience playback that sounds better than its original CD recording.​

The ability to make CD or MP3 music sound better than the original recording is certainly a bold claim, but better is relative. Creative touts the X-FI's ability to spread music over multiple output channels, which could easily be construed as superior to two-channel stereo audio.
With 51 million transistors and a claimed capability of over 10,000 MIPS, the X-FI has plenty of horsepower under the hood. The chip has multiple engines and a flexible architecture that can redirect computational resources on an application-by-application basis. X-FI will also come with a new version of EAX. Creative will be previewing the X-Fi at E3 next week.
Source: TechReport
oops, my mistake.

Sorry Bottle,
Thanks Masky for doing the needful. in fact it would be better if you delete my duplicate posts.
No doubt this card would be great for games....but nobody seems to care about the htpc market. M-audio, EMU, RME, Lynx all make awesome soundcards, but their drivers arent up to the mark for htpc purposes.
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