PC Peripherals credit notes seem to be becoming a part of my life

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like the title says.

i had given mx518 to stupid rashi cuz its scroll wheel stopped working. now its out of stock. n they say ill get a credit note instead. even if i waited. wht crap man.

so wht do i get with tht credit note? (i can buy stuff from rashi only, with tht credit note)
panky.killer said:
u have 2 buy frm the rashi only [:-(]
mjumrani said:
like the title says.
i had given mx518 to stupid rashi cuz its scroll wheel stopped working. now its out of stock. n they say ill get a credit note instead. even if i waited. wht crap man.
so wht do i get with tht credit note? (i can buy stuff from rashi only, with tht credit note)
The credit note is issued to the dealer, not you.
Take the CN from rashi, go to the dealer, buy whatever you want to buy for that value.
Neotric is another importer of logitech, ask dilip/etc to ask them for availability.
Yes. You bought the mouse from some dealer, who inturn procured it from rashi.
Now rashi will issue a CN to that dealer for the amount it was purchased from them, and not the amount you paid to the dealer.

So if you bought it for say Rs.1300 from the dealer and the dealer got it for Rs.1200.
The CN will be of value Rs.1200 or less if depreciation is charged.
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