Crimson Desert

Based on how it looks, it's likely to list 3060Ti as its minimum requirement.

The trailer does seem pretty exciting. Currently playing Witcher 3 (this one looks similar to Witcher in some aspects) for the first time and mostly enjoying it. I tend to like games where the primary combat mechanism is not guns as aiming is just too difficult for me. So this game does look like something I'd love to play. I just hope that it has a decent story to keep us engaged and does not struggle to run on RTX 3060.
Combat in this game looks so amazing! Also the sheer details in the open terrain and foliage makes the surroundings look so beautiful. I'm definitely eager to pick up the controller and get into this when it releases!

Hoping Pearl Abyss can deliver what they have shown in this trailer. It's still WIP at the moment and has every chance of becoming GOTY!

Here's all the info we have about the game so far:

Everything we know about Crimson Desert
Looks amazing, but the thing that the witcher series has is a fantastic storyline. Very few games come up with amazing story telling like that. For eg, bioshock, last of us, metro series etc.