Monitors CRT Monitor Flickering even at 85Hz


Hi guys, my cousin has a Samsung Syncmaster 753s 17inch CRT monitor. He recently got a new rig having onboard Geforce 7050 graphics. His monitor, even though the refresh rate is set at 85Hz at a resolution of 1280x768, is flickering quite a bit. Its not noticable a lot unless theres a lot of text on the screen. He also says that at times the entire display sort of collapses towards the center and then gets back to normal. This he said, used to happen with his old rig too. Any idea how to sort out the issue, especially the flickering bit? The graphics drivers are the latest. Should i roll back to the drivers that came with the motherboard cd? Firmware for the monitor is also upto date. Plz help:huh:
1280 X 768 is too small... for a 17inch screen !
u are bound to get nice spectacles or if u already have one, then increment in ur Eye Number for sure... (i.e Dhapna hojayega )

use only 1024X768 @ 85Hz or whtever ur monitor supports @ MAX
Well ive been using 1280x768 since the last 3 years and have no eyesight problems watsoever(as of now atleast:bleh: ) I find everything to be sharper at this resolution as compared to 1024x768 and so prefer using the monitor at this resolution. Anyway thats besides the point.
Any solutions to the actual problem? How to get rid of the flickering. And yes, the flickering is present even at 1024x768. Should i try the older drivers or something else? Please suggest....
at least try 1024X768 @ 85Hz , maybe the problem is solved.

i think the culprit is chepo unshielded speakers near to monitor.

if there are any speakers near crt , put them far.

try to check for loose cables to vga port too
He also says that at times the entire display sort of collapses towards the center and then gets back to normal

does this happen when there is momentary low voltage, or if the screen is showing something very bright?

Either way, i have a feeling that the monitors power supply section might be on its last legs. Getting it repaired might cost you .5 to 1k :)
Well no speakers near the monitor, and there aren't any power fluctuations here in this part of bombay(and so no ups either:D ) He says that the screen collapsing towards the center and getting back to normal happens very very rarely but what is bugging him is the screen flickering. Yes it does support 1280x768@85hz Atleast thats the current resolution it shows in the Nvidia control panel. Ive tried at 1024x768@85Hz but the problem is still there. I'll check regarding the power supply of the monitor. In the meantime i think i'll give the older drivers a shot too. Any other suggestions??
That resolution is not correct.

1280/768 = 5:3. This aspect ratio does not exist in Windows, it has to be specifically forced, and will look geometrically incorrect when displayed on a normal (4:3) monitor.

It's 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1280x960 or 1152x864. The ratios are either 4:3, or in the case of some of Samsung's monitors, 3.75:3 (the 1280x1024 is actually 3.75 x 3, and works better on the 19" monitor for example)

A quick test of the correct aspect ratio is to draw a circle on the screen using Paint. You will figure out whether the image is a perfect circle or not.

CRT monitors running off analog are very versatile, with some creativity you can practically get any resolution to work on one, with a tradeoff between correct screen geometry, font size and refresh rate.

However this may result in odd operation as the blanking circuit tries to sync with the analog signal, this may result in flicker, loss of images and sometimes the monitor losing sync totally.

Look up the manufacturer recommended resolution. Though this does not effect the image the same way that native resolution on a flat panel monitor, it has some effect on the geometry and font size. Use that as a basis and reduce the resolution for bigger text, or increase it for more screen detail.

As the resolution increases the range of available refresh rates reduces, this is a hardware limitation. Towards a performance extreme (such as running the monitor at the highest possible refresh rate and resolution which I think you're doing) the performance will suffer, and flicker may be a symptom of that. If the monitor has a steady image at a lower resolution, then the flicker is definitely caused by pushing the monitor too hard.

Sometimes EMI will cause a monitor image to flicker. This is due to the poor quality of cable that comes with Samsung monitors, and there's not much you can do about it. My old 955DF would 'dance' with the beat as the volume to my speakers increased (though perfectly normal in silent mode or at low volumes). This was due to the audio signal modulating the monitor input via the cable. Moving cables around helped a lot, but the best solution was to replace the monitor totally.
Well im not sure bout the resolution not being a windows resolution. It does show up for me too (remember the monitor that im talking bout is my cousins) and i too use the same. I.e. 1280x768
There is no flickering on my screen at all. Ive got a 793s though so thats the only difference. No speakers or other electrical devices nearby so no chance of it being because EMI. Could be the cable fault though. Will check with that. Monitor is 6 years old now so could be coz its old too. Tried at a lower resolution as well but the flickering still persists so its not because of pushing it too hard!
1024 or 1280? Can you post a screen shot? I mean of the display settings page? at that resolution the desktop will be distorted on a regular 4:3 monitor. It will work on a 16:9 monitor or in a pinch, on a 16:10 monitor like mine (just tried it).
Nope nothing is distorted. Thats not possible right now as its my cousins monitor however i could post of mine which is also at the same settings...17 inch monitor...will that do??? Its 1280x768
yes please.

Sorry - I'm assuming you have no black bars on the top or bottom, as a widescreen resolution would appear when displayed on a 4:3 screen.

Edit: Just checked the product page, the recommended resolution is 1280x1024. Let me see the screenshot before I comment further.
Well a screenshot of cousins place not possible right now coz im not at his place:) :) Will post of my screen though as the settings are the same...hmmm how do i upload it? On tryin to upload here it shows that the max image size allowed is 19.5kb
How to i reduce the image size to that??? Currently the image size is 105kb:huh:
Oh ok. I dont use it at that resolution (1280x1024) as the max refresh rate possible then is just 60hz and then the flickering is very noticable and is straining on the eyes. Need some help with uploading the image plz..
Ok i think it worked. Hopefully u'll be able to view the screenshot now:)


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