Monitors CRT Monitor Flickering even at 85Hz

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I have no explanation for how this widescreen image can possibly fit without stretching vertically on a 4:3 monitor such as yours, which it should.

I'm stumped.

One last test - even if I am dragging this off topic significantly. Open paint. Draw a circle (keep shift pressed when drawing a circle). Now take a coin roughly the same size as the circle. Press it to the screen. Is it a perfect circle and follow the contour of the coin perfectly?
Maybe a driver issue..
That refresh rate might not exist for the said resolution happened to me many times..
try a lower refresh rate and see,
get latest drivers, or a clean install..
try hooking it up with some other pc and then see...
Ohk did that..yes it does appear as if the circle which i drew is elongated vertically however this is not noticable in normal use! So we have found out that it does stretch the image vertically. But im still looking to some solutions to the flickering. Besides replacing the monitor power supply which Greenhorn Suggested. Any other remedies?
keep your display at a regular aspect ratio resolution- 1024x768 or 1280 x1024, even if you dont have these issues. Some thing have to be done certain ways :P
Party Monger said:
Maybe a driver issue..
That refresh rate might not exist for the said resolution happened to me many times..
try a lower refresh rate and see,
get latest drivers, or a clean install..
try hooking it up with some other pc and then see...

Tried even at lower resolutions and at refresh rates which i am sure the monitor supports. Its a clean install, totally new comp besides the monitor that is:ohyeah: Updated drivers as well!! Cant figure out whats causing the problem!! Will see whether its possible to check with another comp. Thanks anyways. Thanks to all of you wonderful guys who took the time to help me out. Keep the suggestions coming though. Hoping i can get this done without havin to change anything:)
Thanks for confirming that I haven't lost my mind. That much distortion would be definitely noticeable to me at least.

Try changing the cables and moving the input cable around. Also check the cable at the connector end for any fraying.

I'm personally not hopeful for any solution short of replacement.
Nolasco said:
Tried even at lower resolutions and at refresh rates which i am sure the monitor supports. Its a clean install, totally new comp besides the monitor that is:ohyeah: Updated drivers as well!! Cant figure out whats causing the problem!! Will see whether its possible to check with another comp. Thanks anyways. Thanks to all of you wonderful guys who took the time to help me out. Keep the suggestions coming though. Hoping i can get this done without havin to change anything:)

Try it with ANOTHER clean install buddy...:P

try ubuntu and vista/xp(whichever u havent tried and den tell us..

this is the only way to single out the problem..if theres a problem in these too, then greenhorn is correct..
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