Linux #! (crunchbang) A lean distro

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I have an Asus 1000HE which I hardly used till recently. It had Windows XP and was painfully slow to load up applications (even simple things like a text editor). Looked around and found #! to be a very lean distro. Loaded it up into a usb drive and installed it. Installation was typical like any other distro though with a much simpler UI.

First thing that I was happy about it was everything worked from the first boot. Wireless lan, audio etc. There is a second level of customizer which has to be run in cli. This gives options to install dev tools, office apps etc.

The second thing that surprised me is that it consumes ~64MB once booted up without any applications running. With geany, browser with 3-4tabs, few terminals and gftp running the max I have seen is nearing 300MB mark.

What I like -

Very simple interface, no blings. Will just get your job done.

Is very light on resource consumption (well, almost. Read below)

Though startup time is not too fast (not slow either), what I like is the performance when I load up applications.

Have been soo used to it now that I am considering replacing Ubuntu with #! on my desktop.

Few things that could be better -

I get battery life of around 5:30 to 6:15hours. XP though being a memory hog used to give me nearly 7+hours. It might be that the battery is getting older. But I was expecting slightly better numbers.

Wireless lan connectivity is not that good. Initially I thought that it was because of thinker walls at my place. But my sister sits in another room which is much farther and has couple of more walls in between and still gets good connectivity on her notebook running Win 7.

Overall I feel the #! is a very good distro option for people who are looking for a debian based distro that can run on a older machine or for people who are looking for simple UI which serves their purpose.
Arch + Open Box /Fluxbox will be even lighter.

Try working with cpu-freq utils and setting own governors. That will help you fine tweak the settings for better batteryl
I first switched to crunchbang from ubuntu two years back. It's not like my desktop can't handle KDE based desktops but I just loved the simplicity of Openbox. It puts functionality over looks, and it helped increase my productivity. The distro itself is pretty much debian with a few tweaks here and there, and a few custom made GUI's to help edit configuration files.

About 2 months ago I decided that I needed more control over what was installed/stored on my PC, so I installed the debian minimal, and installed X Window system, the window manager, panels and drivers by myself, ediitng config files to suite my requirements. Took me a while but now I have exactly what I need, setup exactly how I need it.
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