Crysis 3 - Discussion Thread

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I have to say the story isn't all that great at all, but the graphics are absolutely beautiful... really gorgeous on my 680. But I cant wait to play the Multiplayer, really enjoyed Crysis 2 online and this looks great too.
i realy enjoyed the gameplay .i think the story was quite good,they really elaborated and played around with the less human,more ceph idea,was pretty cool.

especially the ending,the whole suit morphing its outer layers into barnes.the post credit psycho vid was funny.
the graphics are sweet as hell.this time they really delivered.
OMG :hail:, I have never been so blown away by the graphics:

(VeryHigh+No AA+2560x1600~55-60FPS ....config in signature):




....I just started the game, But I will post more screens as I go along
I am really unwell and have been advised bed rest for the next 10 days, so I have a lot of time for gaming :)
in the coming week or two :)

Hope you guys like 'em, I have not seen better graphics in any game so far...If you guys can think of any please suggest.
Well I started the game now cause my HX1050 just came in; HX750 was not enough so my rig :( )

Absolutely terrific visuals! And raped my nearly 2 year old system left, right and centre. :P

Had to set ALL the options to Medium settings to get an appreciable 50+ frames. And during outdoor sequences esp. when it is raining or during heavy explosions, the frame rates drop down to 30'ish but still playable in that aspect. I recall the good old Crysis and Warhead days when the GPUs were struggling to max the game and I had the 8800GTX (and a pair of HD4850 later) around that time. Hands down the best visuals for any game released till date.

Completed four missions. Few more remain and that should be the end of it. I was told the campaign is pretty short clocking around 7 hours at the most. Story seems okay this far.
@Gannu: My HD7850 was giving me around 45-50 FPS on high settings with AA disabled. On Very High though the frame rates were around the sluggish 25 FPS mark.
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Hey guys add me on origin -binkowich. Must say it does take some getting used to. But the MP is insane fun.
You guys really should jump in on the action. Was getting pwned, but now I'm managing to get some decent scores.
Done with the title. The end game stats says 4 hours and 55 minutes but that is definitely not taking into account the total time spent including the deaths. Must have taken an hour more I am betting.

But anyways, this is the best looking game of the current generation hands down. The levels and the characters looked spectacular (on the medium settings! I cannot imagine what it would look like in very high!), their lip-syncs during dialogues near perfect. Some of the nanosuit's original functions available in the previous titles were not present in this one which was a bit of a bummer. The campaign was short but linear and adaptable to the way the user plays - stealth it out or go guns blazing, it's left to us. The predator bow was the most extensively used weapon in the campaign, addictive as hell! Reused most impact arrows and the best part being, using the bow does not nullify Prophet's cloak mode. Acquired a few nanosuit upgrade modules and used them for some upgrades. Enjoyed the campaign and the story.

As always, please wait until the credits sequence rolls out completely. This might be a possible indication of the next iteration in the series. Although it was a bit weird! :P
What is a good card to get for medium settings..? ATI. My cards will not support the Dx11 mandate.
WOW! This game is literally murdering my rig, but looks undeniably gorgeous. Guess it's time for a processor upgrade. :P
the ending isn't weird,and as for possible indications for the next iteration in the series,there are so many teasers in the game...,the writer,steven hall,talked about some of them at mycrysis,though not a lot.and ethan,why don't you OC it a bit?
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