Crysis v1.1

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Crysis v1.1 improves overall performance in DX9 and DX10
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*Fixed: Potential crash in D3D10
*Fixed: Orange boxes apearing when hispec savegame loaded into lowspec game.
*Fixed: Inconsistent damage dealt to vehicles when shot by LAW.
*Fixed: Reflection resolution on D3D10, MultiGPU reflection update fix
*Fixed: Memory leak with FSAA modes
*Fixed: Infinite ammo hacks.
*Fixed: Memory leak in D3D10 when switching screen modes
*Fixed: Muti optimizations
*Fixed: When player melees during gun raise animation, their gun will be in a permanantly raised position.
*Fixed: Crash when loading savegame with level exported recently by editor
*Fixed: Virtual keyboard does not function properly when a game pad is connected
*Fixed: Users can lose the ability to look around with the Right Stick
*Fixed: Setting screen resolution to "default" stops user from selecting last resolution
*Fixed: Bug when changing resolution in D3D10
*Fixed: Issues with Depth of field and water droplets in D3D10
*Fixed: Crash on NaN warning

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*Added: Motion Blur UI and V.SYNC UI options
*Optimized: Motion blur
*Optimized: FSAA (Full Scene Anti-Aliasing)
*Optimized sound id implementation
*Enabled VSync functionality in D3D10
*New benchmarking files for ice CPU benchmark.
*http/xmlrpc password protected remote control session
*Marked debug cvars as cheat

*F12 (screenshot) now works in restricted mode as well

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*Reduced LAW splash damage vs. infantry in PowerStruggle mode
*Slowed Rocket projectile speed down in MP slightly
*Disabled automatic turret bounding boxes on vehicles to prevent issues with LAW hit detection
*Reduced grenade explosion radius in multiplayer
*Clamped water tesselation to avoid cheating in MP
*MultiGPU improvements with depth map updates
Link->Crysis v1.1 improves overall performance in DX9 and DX10 - VR-Zone IT & Lifestyle Forum!
Download->Patches and Fixes: Crysis v1.1 Patch - Demo Movie Patch Download Section -
crap wrong timing..........

..................Runs away avoids downloading to study................
contrary to what one of the users in one of those link says, this patch does improve FPS but not by much. I was getting somewhere around 33.9 FPS earlier and now I am getting 34.55 FPS after the patch.
~35 fps here with and without the patch .. nothing drastic to write about.. ..the game feels a lot smoother when fps dips below 30 ..
about those orange boxes mysteriously appearing ingame, this patch really helped me out.

before -

after applying the v1.1 patch -
8600Gt owners whats ur status...?without the patch u i am getting 18 fps on an average ...easily playable xp with very high processing set to medium...and omega dirvers v169.21 from guru3d...i was expecting 20+fps after the patch
arun_rulezzz said:
about those orange boxes mysteriously appearing ingame, this patch really helped me out.

before -

after applying the v1.1 patch -

ROFL, arun u keep coming up with this type of stuff!

Everything seem smoother,tho only nominal increase in frame rates (~1!)..

Maybe upcoming drivers will help.
yes its true that the nominal ingame increase of FPS is just 1-2FPS with this patch but the most noticable thing is that the game runs smoother with full HDR effects even at a low FPS.. also i noticed d visuals r slightly improved specially the Motion blur, Shadow, sun-beams - its amazingly responsive and faster than previous version... else seems same on naked eyes...
arun_rulezzz said:
about those orange boxes mysteriously appearing ingame, this patch really helped me out.

before -

after applying the v1.1 patch -

^^ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
arun_rulezzz said:
about those orange boxes mysteriously appearing ingame, this patch really helped me out.

before -

after applying the v1.1 patch -

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: focking hillarious.... good one mate...
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