CS: Source help!

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this is what i get when i connect to any server for the first time, and it takes ages for it to join any server for the first time, and after i join, i get timed out, so have to retry again only this time it works fine..... please help

Connecting to
Connected to

Counter-Strike: Source
Map: de_dust2
Players: 13 / 16
Build 2752
Server Number 22
SetConVar: No such cvar ( mani_nextmap set to de_train), skipping
SetConVar: No such cvar ( mani_tickrate set to 66), skipping
Reverted mat_loadtextures
"mat_loadtextures" = "1"
Reverted cl_interp
"cl_interp" = "0.1" min. 0.010000 max. 1.000000
- Interpolate object positions starting this many seconds in past
Reverted cl_cmdbackup
"cl_cmdbackup" = "2"
- For each command packet, how many additional history commands are sent ( helps in case of packet loss )
Reverted cl_forwardspeed
"cl_forwardspeed" = "400"
client archive
Reverted cl_interpolate
"cl_interpolate" = "1.0"
- Interpolate entities on the client.
Reverted cl_sidespeed
"cl_sidespeed" = "400"
Can't revert cl_soundemitter_flush, no such cvar
Can't revert cl_soundscape_flush, no such cvar
Reverted demo_recordcommands
"demo_recordcommands" = "1"
- Record commands typed at console into .dem files.
Reverted dsp_dist_min
"dsp_dist_min" = "0.0"
Reverted dsp_dist_max
"dsp_dist_max" = "1440.0"
Reverted fog_color
"fog_color" = "-1 -1 -1"
Reverted fog_colorskybox
"fog_colorskybox" = "-1 -1 -1"
Reverted fog_enable
"fog_enable" = "1"
Reverted fog_enableskybox
"fog_enableskybox" = "1"
Reverted fog_enable_water_fog
"fog_enable_water_fog" = "1"
Reverted fog_end
"fog_end" = "-1"
Reverted fog_endskybox
"fog_endskybox" = "-1"
Reverted fog_start
"fog_start" = "-1"
Reverted fog_startskybox
"fog_startskybox" = "-1"
Reverted mat_filtertextures
"mat_filtertextures" = "1"
Reverted mat_depthbias_decal
"mat_depthbias_decal" = "-262144"
Reverted mat_showlowresimage
"mat_showlowresimage" = "0"
Reverted r_drawdetailprops
"r_drawdetailprops" = "1"
Reverted r_lightmap
"r_lightmap" = "-1"
Reverted r_lightinterp
"r_lightinterp" = "5"
- Controls the speed of light interpolation, 0 turns off interpolation
Reverted r_rainalpha
"r_rainalpha" = "0.4"
Reverted r_rainalphapow
"r_rainalphapow" = "0.8"
Reverted r_raindensity
"r_raindensity" = "0.001"
Reverted r_rainHack
"r_RainHack" = "0"
Reverted r_rainlength
"r_rainlength" = "0.1f"
Reverted r_rainprofile
"r_RainProfile" = "0"
- Enable/disable rain profiling.
Reverted r_rainradius
"r_RainRadius" = "1500"
Reverted r_rainsidevel
"r_RainSideVel" = "130"
- How much sideways velocity rain gets.
Reverted r_rainsimulate
"r_RainSimulate" = "1"
- Enable/disable rain simulation.
Reverted r_rainspeed
"r_rainspeed" = "600.0f"
Reverted r_rainsplashpercentage
"r_RainSplashPercentage" = "20"
Reverted r_rainwidth
"r_rainwidth" = "0.5"
Reverted snd_gain
"snd_gain" = "1"
Reverted snd_refdb
"snd_refdb" = "60"
Reverted snd_refdist
"snd_refdist" = "36"
Reverted snd_gain_max
"snd_gain_max" = "1"
Reverted soundscape_fadetime
"soundscape_fadetime" = "3.0"
- Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
Usage: revert <all | cvarname>
Usage: incrementvar varName minValue maxValue delta
tv_nochat = 31995.000000
Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
Initializing renderer...
Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.
Support for this will go away soon.
- Material : de_dust/groundsand_blend
- Surface center : -1920 2440 0
Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface (material: de_dust/groundsand_blend). Support for this will go away soon.
L for Lagger connected
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/servers/icon_secure_deny
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/servers/icon_secure_deny
Reverted english
"english" = "1"
- If set to 1, running the english language set of assets.
english = 1.000000

Server connection timed out.

I suggest you do a reinstall, unless someone undertands all that gibberish and finds a solution to it :P
Its just your Gay ISP.

Nothing else.

Try deleting the Counter Strike Source folder (After backing up your Sounds/Maps Folders) and then start CSS and try. :).
tifôsi said:

I suggest you do a reinstall, unless someone undertands all that gibberish and finds a solution to it :P

this is after a fresh OS install :P

where is the config.cfg file? cs folder?

oh and also, even MSN takes like 30 mins to start, it starts with the windows start, then signs in and gets stuck, it then signs out, and signs back in in 5 mins intervel everytime it signs in it gets stuck, continues for 4-5 times and then finally starts responsing and that wants new window of msn pops showing me todays news, inbox emails etc..

yahoo does sign in but when i double click on any person to start a convo, it too gets stuck and fails to respond for 10 mins and then responds finally and the chat window opens, when i close the chat window it again stops responding for some time and the cycle continues, this is onyl in the first tries mind u, after this all happens once, it starts working normally... i feel like kicking my pc lol...
Aditya said:
Thats your net totally gayed up Rave.

Been raining too much there? Then TATA sucks :rofl:

naa, no rain nothing, its been the same since like 15-20 days now i think or maybe more but was too lazy to create a thread about the same...

other things in my system also gives problems, to add to the above list of programs, steam, after signin in, gets stuck for some time and then responds after 15 mins or so, some problem with activex or something like that i think coz there is no way isp is responsible for all this, ym getting hanged after closing a chat window has nothing to do with isp now is it..

oh and yeah tata sux, 330 fps ftw....
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