
I was just wondering that whats the difference between these two majors CSE engg and IT engg!! So ive searched.

This topic has been already discussed here http://www.techenclave.com/chatterbits/it-or-computer-engg-74633.html

Practically no difference between the two. Only diff is probably in the final year where CS and IT differ in 2 or 3 papers. IT will have some Application oriented subjects as compared to CS.

I am not telling this specific to ur univ but in general in comp engg u deal with core subjects in computers like compilers n stuff. In IT the focus is more on application oriented training

IT will have some Application oriented subjects as compared to CS???? what does it mean?? Anyone care to explain the above two statements! :ashamed:
Speaking in a very crude sense from a Job perspective, the the course content of IT is tailored to make you suitable for a typical IT Services company. You get to learn to use programming languages like Java, DB and DB Advanced concepts, Web technologies, Data mining, client server programing and the like. The course content of CS is more tailored to make you suitable for product development or core systems programming type of companies with more detail and depth into Microprocessor architecture, a bit of electronics concepts, Lots of programming with C, general principles of programming languages, compiler design etc. Do note that this may not apply to all universities and how the student finally turns out with either of these branches is dependent on his own level of interest as well.
There is no difference. The subjects are almost same but shuffled in these branhces. Its just another way of getting more students & making more money.
^^ Actually, there is a difference between the two in most universities and it does show up up when I was doing interviews. But in some universities, as you said, there are no differences between the two courses.
which one is hard to learn? C language(programming) compiler stuff or java,DB etc! Dont say that it depends on the student/individual. :p