Custom Chip For PS3 JB

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just been curious past few days is it just me or the batch 2 hex is kinda slow? running games from internal if i select a game to play it goes to black screen for solid 10sec (using open manager 1.17) and comes back to xmb and when i launch the game it takes nearly 5 sec to launch :| and online work like a charm haha loved playing UC2 again on psn thnx for the hex file for the batch 2 btw
Too less people... batch 3 cancelled. Also i'm busy .. I'll be closing this thread later today. A discussion forum is being set up for this chip. You can direct your questions there.

That is the official discussion forum for the chips now. You can post your query there and we will answer it. hex updates will also be available there. Information is still being put up so kindly bear with us.

Hex and tutorial for the 2nd batch will be put up by tomorrow evening.

Mods close this thread now
Dhruv clear Inbox

I'm using atmega168.rar which has psgroove.hex , i tried the ps2chipper but the chip was not going to jailbreak mode but it went in jb with psgroove.hex i'm using Gia Manager 1.01

but not working
Got the problem sorted was using Gia Manager 1.01 and there was a permission issue on Eboot,bin started Gia Manager 1.03 and t fixed the issue
if anybody from second batch is able to play the games ftp'ed from system to ps3, then please post the links to hex and the backup manager being used..

all i'm able to play is the games which i backed up from blu ray, using Gaia Manager.

I'm not able to play the games that i've ftp'ed from ps3 to system and then ftp'ed back up again.. What could be the issue..

I'm posting the same at OSjailbreak forum..
^Where did you transfer the games to? The game folders being transferred should read something like these - BLESXXXX or BLUSXXXX etc. not anything else. And these should go into the folder named 'GAMEZ' within the PS3's drive.

The hex was posted few pages back by Dhruv. Check that. Backup manager I am using is Gaia Manager 1.01. Played Enslaved and Castlevania until now. Transferred these titles from my PC and all went fine. Played butter smooth without any hiccups.
The game files needs to be copied to GAMEZ folder and folder name should be as per what it is PARAM.SFO , i was having issues with Gia Manager 1.01 where ps3 was freezing and updated Gia Manager 1.03 and it fixed the Eboot Permissions better to use Gia Manager 1.04 which came out last night.

I have ATmega168 chip (one with red and green led) but the hex which spoofs 3.5 does not work for me the earlier hex(3.42) worked well anyone ?
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