Customizing/Modifying ROMs for ClockWork Recovery

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*This is applicable to CWM 2.5.x.x; have not tested with other versions but shall work.

*I'm not responsible if you brick your phone or your virginity is grown back.

*Ask doubts if you have any before flashing rather than after flashing.



USB Drivers for your android device.

ClockWork Recovery installed on your android device.

<ROM name>.zip that you want to customize, modify

Tools for signing the <ROM name>.zip

I. Setting up Your PC for android-sdk

a| Download android-sdk from Here

b| Follow this about how to set up you development computer

c| Install the selected


Version does not matter as long as it is the latest.

Choose 2.1/2.2/2.3 depending upon your device/ROM

d| Download file attached to this post and extract the folder 'signing' to android-sdk-folder\tools\

II. Setting up Your Device for CWM

a| Install appropriate USB Drivers for your concerned android device

(Sources: PC suite provided by manufacturer. Search the interweb for driver of your concerned device.)

b| Enable USB Debugging

Settings> > Applications > Development > Tick 'USB Debugging' option

c| Install CWM

You will have to search for clockwork recovery mode (CWM) associated with you concerned android device. You can search for the same on interweb. A likely place would be xda-forum

You can follow CWM installation guide on the same forum though for method associated with your device.

III. Handling the <ROM name>.zip

a| UnZip the <ROM name>.zip

I use winrar, you can use your preferred one. UnZip contents of the Zip to one folder. Let us assume C:\rom\xyz\

b| Adding Apks

Add .apk files that you would want to integrate with ROM during flash to C:\rom\xyz/\system\app\

c| Incorporating Themes and Other .zip for recovery based Mods

Basic .zip based themes and mods will contain system and META-INF folders.

Copy these folders to C:\rom\xyz\

This will prompt you to choose an action; select to 'Merge'. If conflicts in files, Select to 'copy and replace' files.

Note:- Try to incorporate themes and mods that are compatible with the ROM you are customizing.

d| Zipping it back to <ROMX name>.zip (ROMX = a different ROM name so that you can differentiate later)

Now Zip the 'contents in the folder' C:\rom\xyz\

Name the zip as <ROMX name>.zip so that you can log and refer the changes on a later date

Notes:-Do not do the mistake of zipping the folder.

Do not do mistake of storing it as an extension other than .zip (this is likely to happen with 3rd party programs such as winrar and 7zip)

e| Signing the <ROMX name>.zip

Copy the location string of your new rom.. In this case, it is C:\rom\xyz\<ROMX name>.zip

Refer to part I and go to android-sdk-folder\tools\signing\

Open autosign.bat (Source Signing made easy....

It will present you with multiple choices.


Press 1 and press enter. It will present you with location. Type yes and Press enter.

Do this for 2 and 3.

Type 4 and Press enter.

It will ask for path.

You can either type in the path of the zip (C:\rom\xyz\<ROMX name>.zip) or right click next to path and paste (as we copied it before :P)

Press enter..

You have Successfully Signed your modified ROM!

IV. Flashing the <ROMX name>.zip

a| Copy <ROM name>.zip and <ROMX name>.zip to sd-card (both, so that you can flash back t known working rom incase if you mess up)

b| Boot into Recovery Mode

c| Wipe data & cache (if the original <ROM name>.zip requires you to)

d| Flash <ROMX name>.zip

e| Reboot Android system and have patience during the 1st boot.

References: Xda-dev Forum, Modaco Android Forum

To Do List: Organize and Represent in a better way :P


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Reactions: 1 person
Awesome work :D.
Customary n00b question:

"Wipe data & cache (if the original <ROM name>.zip requires you to)"
Means wiping the data and cache partition in the phone in the clockwork menu, right?
Darthcoder said:
Awesome work :D.
Customary n00b question:

"Wipe data & cache (if the original <ROM name>.zip requires you to)"
Means wiping the data and cache partition in the phone in the clockwork menu, right?
Not sure about other phones, but some issues with CWMs wiping just came up for my Galaxy S - Fascinate. Apparently it uses a slightly different structure.
Apparently, the wipe data/cache (factory reset), in the system settings menu is a better choice.

Might just be an issue for my model though...
Darthcoder said:
Awesome work :D.

Customary n00b question:

"Wipe data & cache (if the original <ROM name>.zip requires you to)"

Means wiping the data and cache partition in the phone in the clockwork menu, right?
Yes, but factory reset from system setting should also work as pointed by stalker
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