Well, you can get a train from Kerala to Chandigarh/Delhi, and then load your bike in a volvo bus to Manali.
Total distance of going + coming would be around 800 km.
So of you can do 50 km / day it will take you 16 days,
If you can do 80 km/day it will take you 10 days.
It is first on you to decide your capability. The itinerary and consequently the cost will be decided later.
There is one more possiblity. you can directly take a flight to leh and then rent a bike and go around nubra valley and khardungla. when I went there on motorcycle, I saw some europeans in the nubra valley doing that. I could not comprehend how someone could bicycle in such a thin atmosphere where I was finding it tough to walk a few hundred meters.
Thank you for the replies.I think physical fitness is going to be a bigger issue than money.Will probably have to spend a few months to improve my endurance.Cycling or trekking is so much more exciting than bike ride i think.
Thank you for the replies.I think physical fitness is going to be a bigger issue than money.Will probably have to spend a few months to improve my endurance.Cycling or trekking is so much more exciting than bike ride i think.
Thank you for the replies.I think physical fitness is going to be a bigger issue than money.Will probably have to spend a few months to improve my endurance.Cycling or trekking is so much more exciting than bike ride i think.