I have never had too much love for Cydia, but installing the latest upgrade to Cydia completely messed my phone
soon after the upgrade, I noticed the phone was running warm to the touch
A quick "top" snapshot revealed a bunch of rogue processes intermittently firing up and hogging CPU cycles (mrespond and springboard)
Unfortunately, by then, I had upgraded the other iPhone too and that too was exhibiting the same symptoms
Since it was pretty late at night, I just passed the idea of fixing it up till the next day, and guess what, the battery on both the phones had drained out by the morning
Eventually, I had to do a fresh install the next day , and I made sure Cydia is deselected while creating the new custom firmware
post the change, the phone seems to be running a lot stable, snappier and the battery life seems to have improved considerably
If you are facing stability or battery issues with your iPhone, you may want to give this a shot
The only Cydia App i am missing out on currently is Clippy
(and just in case you need to know, the backup IPA installation method is not dependent on Cydia, and it takes just a one time manual tweak to enable IPA syncing via iTunes)
PS: Posting in the OS X subforum since the iPhone OS is a form of OS X
soon after the upgrade, I noticed the phone was running warm to the touch
A quick "top" snapshot revealed a bunch of rogue processes intermittently firing up and hogging CPU cycles (mrespond and springboard)
Unfortunately, by then, I had upgraded the other iPhone too and that too was exhibiting the same symptoms
Since it was pretty late at night, I just passed the idea of fixing it up till the next day, and guess what, the battery on both the phones had drained out by the morning
Eventually, I had to do a fresh install the next day , and I made sure Cydia is deselected while creating the new custom firmware
post the change, the phone seems to be running a lot stable, snappier and the battery life seems to have improved considerably
If you are facing stability or battery issues with your iPhone, you may want to give this a shot
The only Cydia App i am missing out on currently is Clippy
(and just in case you need to know, the backup IPA installation method is not dependent on Cydia, and it takes just a one time manual tweak to enable IPA syncing via iTunes)
PS: Posting in the OS X subforum since the iPhone OS is a form of OS X