Mac OS Cydia upgrade messed up my iPhone

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I have never had too much love for Cydia, but installing the latest upgrade to Cydia completely messed my phone

soon after the upgrade, I noticed the phone was running warm to the touch

A quick "top" snapshot revealed a bunch of rogue processes intermittently firing up and hogging CPU cycles (mrespond and springboard)

Unfortunately, by then, I had upgraded the other iPhone too and that too was exhibiting the same symptoms

Since it was pretty late at night, I just passed the idea of fixing it up till the next day, and guess what, the battery on both the phones had drained out by the morning

Eventually, I had to do a fresh install the next day , and I made sure Cydia is deselected while creating the new custom firmware

post the change, the phone seems to be running a lot stable, snappier and the battery life seems to have improved considerably

If you are facing stability or battery issues with your iPhone, you may want to give this a shot

The only Cydia App i am missing out on currently is Clippy

(and just in case you need to know, the backup IPA installation method is not dependent on Cydia, and it takes just a one time manual tweak to enable IPA syncing via iTunes)

PS: Posting in the OS X subforum since the iPhone OS is a form of OS X
Thats surprising, since I jailbroke a couple of phone this weekend and installed and updated cydia but none of them show any symptoms that you've mentioned, however cydia does seem to have slowed down ever since the update earlier this year, takes a whole lot of time with the reloading data screen :( (Although it could be due to the additional repo's that I've added to cydia)
From my own experience, Jailbreaking in itself does not affect performance/stability of OSX! The real culprits are some applications..I have personally found winterboard to be a huge resource hog and slows down the iPhone to a crawl! However jailbreaking for me is indispensable (for now) as I cant do without these apps:




PDAnet and


Also, SysInfo Plus is a nifty little task manager that provides wonderful information/control over what runs on your iPhone.
I tried various permutations and combinations and over 4 restores on 2 iPhones to observe that:

- A freshly jailbroken/unlocked phone with Cydia and Installer works fine

- Installed SysInfo, SSH , top and Terminal (also required a Cydia update) and the phone started to randomly go into periods of heating up/overnight battery drainage

- Since I had all of the above apps (installed some time back) on my existing stable phone, the problem should not be attributable to any of the 4 apps above

- Leading me to the conclusion that the latest Cydia update is breaking something somewhere

Anyway, I have had it upto my neck with that buggy piece of crap that Cydia is

The unlock process anyway does a jailbreak, so any non app-store 3rd party apps that I need shall be installed via a manual method if possible (IPAprep can be done manually ;) )
Just recently, Push started affecting my battery life and I used to get pathetic talk-time. One strange thing was that the Usage Time also kept on increasing randomly (like if it was 2 hours in the night, it would be 3.5-4 hrs in the morning). I suspect some Cydia app/upgrade which is affecting my battery life. For now I have disabled push and the battery lasts longer than it ever did..
unless there is a cydia app you can't live without,

here's what I see right now on a year + old phone: 41 hrs standby + 4 hrs 48 mins of usage with nearly 50% charge still left (with BT+wifi on)

Cydia is awesome but they need to fix the bugs
Something similar happened with me few days ago, just after updating Cydia the iPod started to feel a little warmer, the battery charge was depleting too fast, finally had to restore.

I don't use Cydia anyway but it surely is capable of screwing up the device.
i really think cydia is messed up.When i restore my phone to original settings everything works fine but one i install cydia alot of things start to go wrong.battery cpu stress ect.someone please come up to an alternative to
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