[D&D] Character Creation


First of all, download the players handbook which has all the rules you will need for the game

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if that doesnt work
download any pdf you find with 3.5 and players handbook in the name...irc is a good place to get it from

Run through till chapter 5 - 'Feats'

By this time you will get an idea of game mechanics.

Choose the race and class you would like to play (Human rogue, elf mage, halforc barbarian etc etc) and post it here along with your character name
Will need to find it on hdd at home... give a timeframe for creating the char.. I think there are programmes that will create chars for you will search and post later
yup, rule book already has a char sheet

you just have to read the first few chapters on skills, feats, abilities and the class/race you are interested in

making the char shouldnt take more than a week


This is an automated char creator...easy enough to understand but all funcitonalities are not available since its a paid app

Third Edition (3.5) D&D Character Generator

Another online version of a character creator

ill try to dig up the app i used in college
so do we 'roll' our own ability scores, or will the DM do it for us? if the first, then, is there some limit to our ability scores? i.e. whats stopping someone from saying, 'i rolled three 6's for all my abilities' and end up with an unbalanced uber-char?
Rolls for everyone

You have to assign them to your skills - str,dex,int,wis,con,cha

Remember that certain races have inherent modifiers like halforc have +2str,-2cha,-2int

Everyone post your name/class/race/skills...you can change it anytime during the char creation process


if ben takes a barbarian, he will want the 16 in str, 14 in con and 8's for int and cha (since everyone knows barbarians are stupid and ugly)


(Sum: 8)4x(D6+0): 2 3 3 (1)

(Sum: 11)4x(D6+0): 5 4 (1) 2

(Sum: 10)4x(D6+0): 6 3 1 (1)

(Sum: 14)4x(D6+0): 4 6 (1) 4

(Sum: 16)4x(D6+0): 6 4 6 (1)

(Sum: 8)4x(D6+0): 2 4 (1) 2


(Sum: 13)4x(D6+0): (2) 6 3 4

(Sum: 12)4x(D6+0): 5 3 4 (1)

(Sum: 16)4x(D6+0): (5) 6 5 5

(Sum: 11)4x(D6+0): (2) 4 3 4

(Sum: 12)4x(D6+0): 4 2 6 (2)

(Sum: 7)4x(D6+0): 2 3 (1) 2



(Sum: 14)4x(D6+0): 6 4 4 (4)

(Sum: 11)4x(D6+0): (1) 6 1 4

(Sum: 10)4x(D6+0): (1) 6 3 1

(Sum: 15)4x(D6+0): 6 6 (2) 3

(Sum: 14)4x(D6+0): 4 4 6 (2)

(Sum: 9)4x(D6+0): 4 (1) 2 3


(Sum: 12)4x(D6+0): (3) 4 3 5

(Sum: 14)4x(D6+0): 5 3 (3) 6

(Sum: 13)4x(D6+0): 5 4 4 (3)

(Sum: 16)4x(D6+0): 6 5 5 (5)

(Sum: 12)4x(D6+0): (1) 4 2 6

(Sum: 9)4x(D6+0): 2 5 2 (1)



(Sum: 13)4x(D6+0): 5 (1) 3 5

(Sum: 11)4x(D6+0): (2) 3 4 4

(Sum: 12)4x(D6+0): 4 3 (3) 5

(Sum: 15)4x(D6+0): 6 6 (1) 3

(Sum: 14)4x(D6+0): 3 6 5 (2)

(Sum: 9)4x(D6+0): 2 (1) 3 4


(Sum: 15)4x(D6+0): (2) 6 3 6

(Sum: 11)4x(D6+0): 4 4 3 (2)

(Sum: 11)4x(D6+0): 3 3 (1) 5

(Sum: 10)4x(D6+0): 3 1 (1) 6

(Sum: 14)4x(D6+0): 5 4 5 (1)

(Sum: 11)4x(D6+0): (2) 4 4 3
i feel strangely impotent.

Got the automated (dynamic) character sheet from here:

Technomancer Press, LLC - 3.5 Character Sheets

It's in xls format and requires macros to be enabled in Microsoft Excel to work. It didnt seem to work with openoffice.org's Calc.

Race : Dwarf

Class : Monk


Str : 14

Dex : 16

Con : 12

Int : 8

Wis : 11

Cha : 6 (Good ol fashioned mirror-crackin goodness)


Climb : 2

Escape Artist : 2

Move Silently : 2

Sense Motive : 2

Tumble : 4



Improved Unarmed Strike

Stunning Fist


  • GreaseMonk DND Char - Tor Ben, Dwarven Monk.zip
    194.6 KB · Views: 72