Darkest of Days ..Hows this game?

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Atleast show some respect to the developers.........worth the b/w??? try to understand how ridiculous that is.:no:
from the videos it looked terrible. didn't even bother to try the demo, but i am surprised at the review scores it's getting.
Yeah.. well its not bad if its COD style.. and i love it.. inspite of it being average.. worth dloading 4.x gb? worth the b/w ? (asking people who have really played the game seriously :P)
well COD didnt have horses or does it?(I played only COD4, COD 2)
And the guy is using machine guns in 79AD.....wonderful. We could take down an entire army of swordsmen & archers with 1 machine gun:ohyeah:

Looks decent. Should give it a try:)
i am playing the game,lot of weapons, graphics okiesh but weapons feel n sound real. Story isnt that great but keeps u busy, supports physx.
b00gieMan said:
Yeah.. well its not bad if its COD style.. and i love it.. inspite of it being average.. worth dloading 4.x gb? worth the b/w ? (asking people who have really played the game seriously :P)

which portion of the mod's "Avoid references to piracy" comment u don't get??? Plz grow a pair and show some friggin respect to the poor asses who developed the game for their living.Concerned about B/W,sheeesh........:-[
I am playing it & till now i din't find anything exciting in it..& graphics r really bad (it looks like m plating some older part of COJ-BOB :P )..even on full AA m getting slight zagged edges which is quite irritating n disappointing :(
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