Darshan Hiranandani Introduction new group member

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well!

I'm excited to introduce myself as the newest member of this vibrant community. My name is Darshan Hiranandani, and I am thrilled to join as a Software Engineer.

A bit about me:

  • Professional Background: I have 1 years of experience in software development, working across various domains including web development, mobile apps, and backend systems. My expertise lies in languages and frameworks such as JavaScript, Python, Java, React, and Node.js.
  • Passions and Interests: I am passionate about coding, problem-solving, and continuously learning new technologies. In my free time, I enjoy contributing to open-source projects, attending tech meetups, and exploring innovative solutions to complex problems.
  • Goals: I'm looking forward to collaborating with all of you, sharing my knowledge, and learning from this amazing community. I’m excited to contribute to our projects and help solve challenging problems.

    Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, need assistance with a project, or just want to chat about the latest tech trends. I’m eager to connect with you all and embark on this exciting journey together.

    Darshan Hiranandani
Glad to have a billionaire CEO among us. Welcome abroad, Mr. Hiranandani. This has to be one of the most comprehensive introductions I have ever seen on this forum.
as the newest member of this vibrant community.
Well, Darshan, while you are new, you're definitely not the newest. @Inputlag is the newest member on this forum who joined just yesterday. And he might lose this feat inside the next 24 hours! Such is life!!! You can always find the newest member by scrolling to the bottom of the forum home page.

That being said, what team is the member avove me invoking? Also, what is the needful I wonder.
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You guys are getting jobs? All I got when joining is getting my posts removed. Not fair.
I knew it. That the mods are secretly hiring employees in a heavily biased manner. They didn't even ask us for our CV. The entire system is rigged. For example, look at vishalrao, employed as the moral police here or napstersquest who works as the thread police.