Storage Solutions Data Protection

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I am looking for techniques to protect my sensitive data from all sort of threats like

1. Hacking

2. Bruteforce

3. Forcefull revealing.

Till now I had installed the hidden truecrypt encryption which I think can solve "Forcefull revealing" but cannot solve bruteforce attack.

I was thinking if I can hide the data on remote place and access it directly from there.

One such option I had found is "Segate GoFlex Home HDD" through which I can share my data on PC using WIFI.

Home Network Storage | Backup Storage | GoFlex Home | Seagate

I think I can hide this HDD any place near by work and can switch it "OFF" if I found any threat.

But I was not sure if this HDD can work just by supplying power supply and withou any router (attached with wire)

Please correct me if I am wrong also please suggest me any more good ideas.
If you want any data/device to be protected, there are only 2 things.

1. Ensure it is not connected to the network/internet.

2. Restrict physical access to the device

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Also for it to work, you need a router plus internet connection.
U can get one of those WD Essentials drive with password protect...

When ever you connect it to a comp you need to enter password to unlock the drive... Once you are done with your work you can just disconnect or safely remove the drive and then no one can access the drive without the password...

Connecting to the Network need an internet connection at all time to access the drive... If anyone has access to the wifi network can have access to the drive also... So the best way is to have protection on the drive itself... I am not sure if you can connect a password protected drive to a wifi network...
Are you expecting some deliberate hacking attempt? Also what is the nature of your data, I mean how will it be read. Will it be in memory when in use. If so than just storing it in encrypted form at password protected hard drive will not do as same data can be steal from PC memory as well. Your PC need to be protected for this. (in short all location where data can exist)

2. Bruteforce

I guess you are talking about hacking your password here? If so you can simply check what is the size of encryption KEY used; it should be 128 bit at least. Brute force will take some hundred thousand years to break that. If you want more make it 256 bit key (that is what RIM used; which even our Govt can not decrypt as they are still on 128 bit)

3. Forcefull revealing.

What does it suppose to mean. Some one beating you to give the data? :P
^lol. Imagine someone roughing him up to obtain a password.

Wonder what work you do to be so paranoid. Dont connect to the net when you're working. Problem solved.

Or if you want net access, take a lappy and surf the web on that. Disconnect the lappy from your local network when its connected to the net. i.e. keep it isolated. so if you want to download anything, download to lappy first then disconnect from net and copy to your machine.

Most large organisations do this. Internet is usually isolated to a machine to prevent viruses, hacking and all unwanted troubles.
I am interested in this subject i.e. data protection.from my extensive research.truecrypt is the best solution-it is open source,has been tested by many different parties and including law enforcement agencies.THE best feature is plausible deniability. If you are serious about data protection:

1.learn everything about truecrypt.
2.keep Data offline.
3.use strong passwords.
4.REad about PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY- i.e. even if somebody finds encrypted data on your hard drive,you can explain it away e.g. hidden container in a truecrypt container-even if you reveal one password,you can deny existence of another hidden partition.And if you loose the data-theft,force- it can not be revealed!
5.Backup your data- atleast two hard drives and optical storage as third backup.
6.if you want to access data on unknown computers- use a live cd os or bootable usb os.never save any live session.
7.True crypt containers can be explained away easily as random data generated on hard drive as a result of secure deletion.
8.Master true crypt and norton ghost.all your problems solved.
9.avoid internet connection while accessing sensitive data,if you expect attacks.or use live cd to access internet.
10.make sure your wireless network is encrypted.or use wired internet to rule out wi-fi hacking.
All questions are welcome.would love to develop this topic on these forums!
Everyone must learn data protection techniques.if you don't have confidential data now,you will have it soon enough.
It is also a prerequisite if you want to scan confidential papers and store them digitally.
Encrypted data in the cloud i.e. dropbox,live account,gmail gives you access from anywhere as well as peace of mind that nobody will be able to access it due to some sudden policy shift(dropbox), screw up by cloud service provider or hacking attempts(Sony).
Also, if possible try to get hold of a TPM chip. This will ensure that your CPU will not be burdened with encryption, if you are using Bitlocker. Although it has its share of problems, when finished, just remove the chip from the header on the mobo!
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