Storage Solutions Data recovery solutions...HDD crashed :(

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hey guys some help needed 40gb hdd crashed in a wierd way.
the hdd is in 2 partitions of 20gb each. one is visible and healthy (FAT 32) while the other shows me tht its of 20 gb RAW DATA and says its empty.(its actually 14gb full)
now i need to recover a file from tht partition which is of utmost importance to me.
are there any softwares or data recovery tools which can help me retrieve it. ?
plz help, its v.v imp.
all help is appriciated.
getdataback rocks!!...saved my a$$ dozens of times
ontrack data recovery is good too...but it screws up the file names
getdataback (from I think.)
Of course the trial version only showed you the file names, recovery not possible... of course Ferrar! over here belonged to a group that helped me get around that...
There are separate versions for FAT32 and NTFS so make sure you get the right one.
Hey I thinlk also has one right? SpinRite?
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