Dawn of War II beta now available to all

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Just a quick reminder that the Dawn of War II beta is now available to all people for the low, low price of nothing. With just a click, a little free time and 5.5 gigglebytes of hard drive space you could be well on your way to pitting orcs against space marines in the most stunning visual metaphor for the state of the video game industry ever.

Dawn of War II beta now available to all - Joystiq

get the game here
Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II Multiplayer Beta on Steam
Dont bother......

The final product will need both Steam and Game for Windows LIVE to run together :(

And the game is just like Company of Heroes, but much more dumbed down.
^ true that...

just 4 races this time around..... unlike the previous versions... no necrons, no chaos :(
Hmmm y illegal servers?

its a demo not the full game so really doubt hamachi works...

Even in the full version dont think hamachi will be easy to work without any hassles, since you will have to bypass steam and game for windows
yea... i know... DOW dark crusade and soulstorm were such brilliant games... and COH too and when you consider relic making DOW on COH engine it all looked promising to say the least... but the game hasn't turned out to be that everyone thought :(
ReekingArchvile said:
Err ..You Guys will have to play it before commenting any thing

i was actually kind of interested in this game until i found out (very late) that it was going to use games for windows live. that one single thing put me off it. why they would choose to use that pathetic service is beyond my understanding.
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