DC++ hubs in and arnd sion (sion is a small place)

well there are many internet providers around sion area to name a few

1. FLY In Net (sify, exatt, tata)

2. Deep Communications (Five Network solutions)

3. Ganesh Cable (Sify)

4. Samrat (Exatt)

well as far as my research and knowledge goes there is only lan available on fly in net and as i am writing this it is only in son area around circle and sindhi society and jain society is also not fuly covered anyways we r working on that.

we have a hub running for those who r using internet via fly in net the name of the hub is virus and ip address is

u have to have minimum ipmsg software which u can download from ipmsg dot org and then u can connect or pm me on drbijlani at gmail dot com and will give u instructions or msn me on drbijlani at hot mail dot com
first of all we need to know whether there are any hubs functioning in our area, if yes then join them OR
create hub for ourselves!!!!!!
Hey, I'm also located in Sion and use Pearl Channel's cable connection for accessing Internet. I would love to join any hubs in the neighbourhood, can you send me the settings also?

Thanks in advance
ppl wait we are in the process of setting up something, 1ce thats done well post here. and in the mean time if there are any hubs running plz let us know in this thread. ITS no use veiwing this thread and returning w/o posting. IF we dont help ourselves, its gonna be difficult
chk out this hub.. see if u can connect wen its online..

dchub:// (Just add the link in quick connect in dc++)
@channelvishal.. m using ipmsngr.. but never shows users.. !!

got connected to a user once last sunday.. some1 called nadeem from Sion - Koliwada area.. xferred some stuff over dc++ !! :)

@mindex.. chk @ www.hublist.org for the hub mentioned above..

its not always online.. wen it is.. u can probably try connecting !!

incase u want.. i can forward u the email i got from that hub owner.. reagrding the details.. settings..etc.

let me know.
well...there are number of ppl on the hub..u might not be seeing coz you from a another ISP.
you may please send me the details of the hub that u mentioned on the pm

As is this hub over internet or LAN?? we looking for HUB over LAN. also send me any IP settings that needs to be done.

Rajshah, can you PM me the details mentioned in the mail. I would like to try out those settings....who knows, maybe it might just click :)