Storage Solutions dead hdd?

I am trying to buy a Seagate 400GB external hard disk. Can anyone let me know the indian price and dollar price? The HDD should be new and not refurbished (repaired).

Guys i read reviews about external HDDs of seagate from amazon. People have come up with miserable experiences. It seems 400GB seagate HDD has crashed a lot of times and even went dead for few. They plead not to buy the product. Am really confused now.

Please let me know if u people have valuable inputs on this regard. Also some links about review of the HDD (latest reviews. because many reviews are dated back to 2005).

Lastly, what difference it makes to buy an external hard disk versus getting an internal hard disk (having it in a casing and making it as external HDD)

Seems these will take lot of patience to reply.. maybe even bits and pieces of answers to the above queries is most welcome..
megavan said:
I have a similar problem but my hdd seems to get detected at bios as some code 'ST followed by some numbers' but below it it says the slave drive fails and the pc seems to get stuck at the windows loading screen. So will the above mentioned procedures work or should I be doing something different. :(

i have the same problem. but after it gets stuck and after restarting it doesnt get detected in bios. if turn the power off for a few minutes and try again, it gets deteted again and then gets stuck.
i think ill try the frezing thing......will see if it works.
Yep ditto here. And about the freezing thing, what do I put the disk in before popping it into the freezer and how do I make it air tight? (sorry for being an utter noob here) :huh:
i have a SATA WD that clicks all the time im afraid it will crash soon so i backed everything up and now for the wait....................