Storage Solutions Dead HDD ?


Hey guys,

I have a Seagate Barracuda hdd for more than a year and a half now. Yesterday I was installing windows 7 -- clean install.
When the process was started, everything was normal and I did all the necessary partition etc etc.

Then while the install was continuing, my pc got restarted and after the restart,the PC didn't go past the bootscreen {not the bootloader, just in case anyone gets confused...i mean the screen which splashes Intel and stuff and one where we need to hit delete to get into bios}

Anyways...on that screen, the pc gets stuck up. Even if I hit delete, the pc just hangs in there. It won't even go into the bios.

I was a bit confused and later after trial and error, I figured out that the hard disk was the culprit.

So now I've removed that disk and using an old 40GB one :mad:

but is there any way that I can recover my harddisk or anything ?

Since I was doing a clean install there is no data nor do I care for any data that could be recovered. All i want is some storage space on that disk...
{buying a new one would be secondary issue.}
Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.
If you can confirm that the hdd is not being detected by BIOS, then just RMA it. Warranty would still be there. Check on the seagate site using the serial number.
if its not detected in the BIOS then its bad

You will get replacement of HDD's Usally HDD have 5 year warranty

BUt all your data will be gone :(
I have exactly the same thing. Now I had to use my old drive and leave the newer one aside.

What happened next thread starter? Did you send it for RMA? Or have you found out a way to fix it?

I was installig Windows 7, I hit delete partition and clicked next. After sometime, it asked me to reboot, therefore it rebooted. After that, it just stops at the BIOS screen.

But after I plugged it out and run my old drive, everything seem to be fine. So I proceeded to install my trusty old XP.
Maybe Windows7 might be causing the problem

When i had my old PC with a P4 and tried to install Vista(Beta Version)

It usually hangs up and doesn't respond

RMA the drive if still in warrantly or try installing a stable OS
Connect the hdd to another pc or get this one running wit an XP.
U can then use any recovery software to recover ur HDD. Maybe in ur case u can check the sata/power cable also.