Dead Space Extraction Shakes Things Up

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The first question everyone has about Dead Space: Extraction is: What does "guided first person experience" mean?

To executive producer Steve Papoutsis, it means that gameplay in the Dead Space prequel is not a straight line through an alien-infested ship. Players will have the opportunity to choose diverging paths and pan the camera under certain conditions for what the developer calls a "managed horror experience."

To me, this means that the Wii exclusive is an on-rails shooter – but with layers of complexity added on to increase the scare factor.

Take for example, the level demoed at EA's Spring Break press event. This was chapter four of the game; our hero character and his three buddies had barely escaped a Necromorph encounter only to find that their whole ship has been trashed by the mutated baddies. The main character – who we don't know much about besides the fact that he's not Isaac Clark from the original Dead Space – breaks off from the group to find clues about what happened and restore power to that part of the ship.

While moving along the on-rails path, an icon appeared onscreen, indicating that the player could move the camera around with the analog stick on the nunchuck. Doing so allowed the main character to look up, down, left or right to scan for clues or take in vivid scenes that you might otherwise miss with a fixed camera.

Our demo master — Product Manager Matt Bendett — spotted a recording device on a nearby table and activated it to see a short video of some victim getting mauled by a Reaper. This is what passes for foreshadowing in Extraction – once Bendett rounded a corner and chose the left branch of a diverging path, he got jumped by three to five Reapers and Slashers, conveniently out of range of his buddies' weapons.

The main character died and we had to restart the demo from the beginning. This time, Bendett chose the other branch of the diverging path and – surprise, surprise – wound up in roughly the same place with similar shoot-the-alien conditions.

There are some new weapons in Extraction, but Bendett stuck to flamethrowers and the rivet gun. Like the original game, combat is all about strategic dismemberment and you can use the stasis gun to paralyze Necromorphs for a short time.

Kotaku - Dead Space Extraction Shakes Things Up - Impressions
i love to play dead space..... such a nice game ...............

one of the best ea publishes last year........

but Dead Space Extraction is only for Wii... now that's so sad.......
Dinesh_Malhotra said:
man that games is so HORRRRROR...

i played for like 20mins...sent shivers chillin thru my spine.

awesome game
yea:ohyeah: i never played it in night......

best part is in zero gravity...
It was a great game with great character animations and tons of atmosphere but got a bit repetitive towards the end. Also, there needed to be more blood, especially bloody footprints to mark the areas you've already been to, which would seem to be a very simple thing to do but would have made the game so much cooler.
If you guys think Dead Space is scary try Call of Cuthulu or Penumbra series. Now those are horror survival games
sn4k382 said:
If you guys think Dead Space is scary try Call of Cuthulu or Penumbra series. Now those are horror survival games

silent hill .. next series ....... later this year... waiting for that.......
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