Linux Debian help required

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I've recently installed debian and i want to know about Instant messengers or clones of popular ones that are used in windows with installation help. also anyone know how to setup IRC protocol and which client i use for dcc transfers. In windows i used to use mIRC.
Gaim is the most popular IM client for linux. It supports many IM protocols. You can also use other standalone clients like aMSN and Yahoo Messenger.

A good IRC client is X-Chat. Gaim also supports basic IRC features.

You can get most of these software from the debian repositories using apt-get.
thanks dude....i installed gaim using apt-get but how do i run it since i don't know which directory it is installed in
Just enter gaim at the command prompt and see what happens. Its usually installed in the bin folder.
download the source, untar it

open that folder in a shell n then type



make install

Read the Readme/ Install file first.

Dude you are using Debian mate.Why not make use of its sublime package management ? :-P Although the above solution by Hacker is correct for installing source packages I feel its an insult to debian's package management if you are not making use of it.

Read about apt & start installing software from the command line like this

apt-get install b**chx

Thats it,it'll not only install b**chx but also take care of pain-in-the-a$$ dependencies.If you are looking for a GUI frontend then have a look at Synaptic.

Have a look at how apt works:
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