PC Peripherals Decent Cheap blank dvd's in Mumbai

MMore DVDs are for 15 bucks...

The shopkeeper claims that they are made by Moserbaer Co., and so is Writex :-s .... is this true??
OT: hunt3r, I recently bought Moserbaer 16x for 20 bucks each (SP road of course) - is this a good price to pay for it?
^^I dont buy much but i have a fair idea of the prices. If those were -R yea decent price. If they were + then good price. The person to ask about media prices is regenade2. He knows the best.
Mainly I want to burn div x movies, to watch on Tv's I guess longetivity aint that bad an idea at all, will look for the MB brand at lammy, thanx fellows.
writex=cheap( but crap), atleast I think this for their cds, i think they are thinner not that good build, somebody pls confirm, but they don't offer rewriting.

other than this this many be fine.
Writex works quite fine for me - it is moser baer media but it is differnent than the media that moser baer branded dvdr's have . Personally I feel that writex 8x media (golden coloured ones) were better than the newer 16x media - better construction/finish and generally much faster and more consistent read speeds...

writex - rs. 15
sony , moser baer - rs. 22-23 (in delhi)
I really wish I could buy verbatim ...but it's simply not available in delhi - atleast not on the dozens of shops that i have been to - most haven't heard its name and those who have only have verbatim cdr's ...:(

I am also not a moser baer fan - a friend got 'black spots' on his dvds within a year - supposedly due to moisture exposure even though all proper precautions were taken for their storage...I have been scared to use moser baer ever since...
I have burnt around 30 DVDs 3 years ago on Princo DVDs. All of them are still working fine. Just that they are still rated at 4x. There used to be a brand called Unique, which were MBI produced and used to sell for below 15 bucks for 16x +R. You can check the manufacturers in programs such as DVD Decrypter. But, those are no more available.

I wud suggest to buy Moser Baer "Pro", and not just Moser baer. The pro series are not suppose to sell in India and is to be exported completly. But, you still do get it here. However, they cost 1-2 rps more than just MB.
Moser Baer Silver available in Anupam(borivli-Mumbai) for Rs.22
Moser Baer Pro for Rs.28...I don't remember the write speed though.....The prices keep falling every week....The above disks would cost around 25 and 30 some days back....