Delhi BYOC Lan party - details

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Final dates after much aticipation with so many people has been decided:

We will hold Summer Byoc on 8-9th september.

Will start at 10 in the morning. So i hope all are there on time.

Entry fee is Rs. 350 per person with their own computer/laptop.

Entry fee for twin sharing: Rs. 600 and both the person can use the same computer.

If any one without a computer wants to attend and watch. For them the entry fee is Rs. 150.

So please leave these details in this thread or PM me:

Computer config:
Ph number:
Twin Sharing: yes/no

For people getting multiple entrants their is discount and we might even get them in for free. So let all your friends know. More the merrier. We will also be giving out special freebies to people on the event.:hap2:

You can contact:
Jasmeet: 9818038583
Karan: 9899252423.
Sulabh: 9911100000.
hmmmm...what is BYOC???i have never attended lan parties so dont know the terms used....but i might be interested in this one.
thanks cyrux for that...ok but which games will we be competing in???and what bout the monitor????wud we have to bring down the monitors too????
yeah... everyone has to get their own PC... although PC's on rent are available bu they would cost a staggering 1200 bux...

as for venue it would be Youth centre chankyapuri...
what games? is food included?

btw i'm in anyway -


Name: rPOk


Computer config:check siggy

Address:C-409, Ila Appts, Vasundhara Enclave, ND

Ph number:9911417514

Twin Sharing:no

sulabh's number in demand here :P ..... but yeah you can play any number of multiplayer games... just that you need to have more people wanting to play the same game :P.....even games like worms and others are in demand usually
wel the usual games that are played are.. CS,Battlefield, warcraft, quake 3 cpma, Unreal tournament.

Other than these people play other games also like pisen said when there are other ready to play... :)
yaar karan i am interested, BYOC is ok, but commuting would be a major problem for me specially with the bulky CRT monitor. can anyone who is coming to the BYOC fest from Noida give me a lift? BTW how far is chanakyapuri from here?
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