Monitors DELL 22" LCD wide - is there a better deal?

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As it has been already said, don't judge monitors by their size. The VX 2025 WM is pMVA panel and the Dell Ultra sharp ones are SIps. But TN just sucks. So please its better to get a 20" pMVA (due to vibrant colors and amazing viewing angles).

And yes if you want to know the cost. I got VX 2025 WM, 4 months back for 23K. It must be cheaper now. And also, resolution is more imp than the physical size. And res of both 22 and 20" is same. So trust me buddy, 20" will be a MUCH better choice. If you really want big, get Dell 2407WFP or Dell 3007 WFP.

lounge said:
what shall be the price of the models u have suggested? and yes, where can i buy them? lol, i don't have much idea about LCD monitors.. i live in delhi & i prefer buying from indian dealers..

i have read reviews about S-IPS and MVA.. they look impressive.. but i need their prices?

u can buy the vx2025. its a mva panel. should cost 20k in delhi.
i somewhat agree that 20" shall be better than a 22" TN.. ashishkushwaha can u tell me from where did u get VX 2025? also, how about DELL 20" ultra sharp?

well, i guess viewsonic VX 2025 fits well in my budget..

i just read these views on dell USA site for 22" dell TN.. read them they are cool -

Size. Price.

No USB? Only DVI and VGA interface. Terrible onscreen adjustment navigation. No adjustable stand. Terrible image and color quality compared to Dell 20" LCD. 'Driver CD' has HTML instructions only with no .inf's (drivers). None are available online, either.
Additional Thoughts
I bought this to replace my Dell 20" 2001FP and was to give my old one to my spouse for her birthday (she agreed!). After connecting it to my 128MB ATi All-In-Wonder DVI and being so dissapointed, I ended up giving HER the new 22" widescreen and going back to the old 20" 4:3! She complained it appeared washed out on her Dell PC until I adjusted brightness and contrast down - the same complaint I had.
Colors out of the Dell 20" are more crisp, more clear, and just THAT much better that I was willing to keep my old monitor and wait for something better. You will get what you pay for.

now i wonder y everyone here in TE telling me to get a 20".. well am settled for it.. now question is which 20".. viewsonic shall be good i guess..
stormblast said:
u can buy the vx2025. its a mva panel. should cost 20k in delhi.

i know nehru place to buy pc stuff.. but can u suggest some dealers in delhi to get vx2025.. i found that the viewsonic indian site has their authorised dealers in mumbai or chennai..
raj_pol said:
I was reading an interesting article the other day..It seems that dell changes the panel of a display without announcing it to the customers...So you might have a 20 inch s-ips panel and some other guy might be buying the same panel but it might be TN....Not sure though

lounge said:
is there any way to ensure that its a S-IPS or TN while buying from DELL?

As far as I know, there was never a TN Panel in Dell 2007WFP. In one batch the regular LG Philips S-IPS Panel (LM201W01) was replaced by the far better S-IPS Panel (LM201WE2) and another time they seem to have used the Samsung S-PVA Panel (LTM201M1). This happens rarely only when they run out of stock for the regular one they use.

@lounge : In your case I would suggest that you go with the VX2025WM as it fits your budget nicely.
@lounge: Just talked to my dealer since i am planning to get a LCD this week. 2025 prices have fallen. It's 18750/- now and stocks due monday. Mumbai price. :)
Just so you know: All the 22" monitors on the market (Yes, all!) use the Chi mei 22" TN panel. There is no other manufacturer who's managed to hit the 22" glass cut. So the only difference will be connectivity and backlighting - which will affect some viewing characteristics, but largely performance will be similar. This includes the Samsung, Viewsonic, Dell and all other current 22" monitors with 1680 x 1050 resolution. There was some discussion about the Samsung 22" (IDK if it's available in India) having a Samsung panel, but no idea whether it actually does.

The problems mentioned with this panel are backlight bleed (which is not as severe as some S-IPS panel, according to reports) which is largely generic to all LCD monitors, some colour variation issues, and poor text quality.

I took a demo of the 2230 (Viewsonic) and found no obvious problems, and it was a boxed piece and not a cherry-picked sample, so there may some variations here and there.

I also found the monitor way too bright, but on reducing the brightness the picture didn't look so great.

The biggest problem I found that since it's a pretty big screen, no matter where you sit the viewing angle of one part of the screen is always quite acute, and this shows up as colour variation across the screen unles you move your head side-to-side. Keeping the brightness at factory setting ameliorates this to some extent, but it's always a little noticeable.

I'm extremely picky, so bear with me - I can read 8-point copy at 6 feet and spot a bird a couple of kilometers away. My earlier monitor tech was driven up the wall due to calibration issues - I really don't think a 22" is good.

The one good thing is the text quality, the pixelation is only slightly noticeable, so I assume the dot pitch is quite usable. I had imagned staircases on my fonts, but that didn't happen - I guess 1680 is not too small for the panel.

NO idea about ghosting - the machine it was connected didn't have any games installed.

In short, I would like to examine a 20" or 24" option, after the Income-tax man has drawn his pound of flesh.
^^ Yea :) Ridiculous thing is that they've priced the 20" TN panel for the same price. Stocks due monday but i am going today to place my order. Let's hope for the best.
wow.. prices are tempting.. may get even less in some time.. the 19" TN samsung just fell down 600/-.. so now its like 13.2k..

well, my choice so far VX2025 is around 18.5k.. may get even less..?? anyhow, i gotta get it by this month end.. and, there is no authorised dealer of viewsonic in delhi (as their site says) .. i gotta spot some other alternative, at np..

n its also nice to see sub 20k prices (so far) for big screen panels.. i guess, 17" lcd shall soon become the entry level with sub 8k price.. mercury offers 17" wide for 8k.. (brand is not good though)..

cool!! thanks guys for pouring in enormous information..
^^vx2025wm, if thats what you are planning for then get it asap. This is probably one of the last shipments of the the panel after which it get phased out completely to be replaced by a TN panel at the same price.
Blade_Runner said:
^^vx2025wm, if thats what you are planning for then get it asap. This is probably one of the last shipments of the the panel after which it get phased out completely to be replaced by a TN panel at the same price.

lol.. this is not done.. how early should i get man? and yeah how should i make sure if its not a TN model at the time of purchase?

And if i miss this vx2025 somehow, i mean the non TN model which you say is gonna phase out soon.. then wat other options i still have.. anyhow.. i shall get this model asap just that i need to be sure that its not a TN model i am purchasing.. enlighten me plz..
lounge said:
lol.. this is not done.. how early should i get man? and yeah how should i make sure if its not a TN model at the time of purchase?

And if i miss this vx2025 somehow, i mean the non TN model which you say is gonna phase out soon.. then wat other options i still have.. anyhow.. i shall get this model asap just that i need to be sure that its not a TN model i am purchasing.. enlighten me plz..
The shipment has already arrived since the lcd i booked was in that and i was told to collect it today. Don't worry abt the TN panel it's a different model altogether. 2030wm or 2021wm will probably replace the 2025wm in most likeliness. Both the 2030/2021 are TN panels while 2025 is p-mva.
k.. i got it.. but what i really meant by asking was that if i look at the display at the shop.. at any LCD panel for that sake.. can i tell by merely looking at its picture quality or angle etc that this must be some TN or MVA.. am asking this just for awareness.. also i won't go into purchasing untill this month end or first week feb.. hmmmm.. i gotta be carefull.. but then i have TE to fall back again.. cool.. I'll post here the day i shall be finally leaving to the shop to get one for me.. till then i shall enjoy my samsung 17" flat CRT.. lol its gonna be an ape to human transformation.. :)
^^ just verify the model no. before you make the way a new batch of vx2025wm will have TN if you get 2025wm, it IS pmva panel.
Btw, yes, you can make out the difference in viewing angles by just looking at the monitor from side....TN panels have way low viewing angles compared to pmva..also brightness is also lower (but you can't make it out in the first glance)
rPOk said:
Btw, yes, you can make out the difference in viewing angles by just looking at the monitor from side....TN panels have way low viewing angles compared to pmva..also brightness is also lower (but you can't make it out in the first glance)

Yep, thats right, The image on TN Panels including the new ones advertising higher viewing angles will range from bad to unbearable when viewed from an angle greater than 60 deg from the normal on either side. Anyway you need not worry so much about it. You can just go by the Model no.

You can also find what kind of Panel a specific Model uses from this link

TFT Central - TFT and LCD Monitor Information, Reviews, Guides and News

You can also read up info on the different flavors of LCD Panels and their good and bad points.
Ok fine i am going to get the VX2025WM today.. Should i proceed? Or technology has unfolded something better in that price range... 20k.. any final words before i leave for the shop?? :) thanks..
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