PC Peripherals Dell 2312HM - problem? Please help.

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I bought a Dell 2312HM few months ago.

Yesterday I am noticing fine lines on the right-side of the monitor for approx 25% of the screen. The other part of the screen is perfect, as was previously. These fine lines are as if the resolution is stretched a bit on a large screen. They are very fine, but clearly discernible.

There is also a small change in the color hue towards the end where lines are visible.

What to do? Pl. help!
You should consider RMAing it. I suppose you bought it from Dell directly. If so, the RMA process will be quite hassle free with free pick-up and drop service from Dell.
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I was thinking if something else can be done....

Thank you!

Well, if the problem was being caused by something external (like power fluctuations or the sort), you could have tried fiddling around. From the OP, it's pretty hard to say as to what might be affecting the monitor. Some more details (and perhaps a pic) might help.

I suggested the RMA route assuming this is a problem with the monitor and since Dell has an excellent support service.
is it lcd fluid lines? I have had that problem with 2 dell monitors. I get a 4mm thick band of lines when the monitor is cold, and the gradually disappear when the monitor heats up. If it is still under warranty, I would recommend that you get the monitor replaced.
thanks @AK3D & @soggy316 : looks like a RMA case. JUst spoke to Dell. They agreed to send a replacement. Difficult to believe the response! Have to wait now for the courier guy.
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