Hey guys, this is a shocker. The speculation is that Dell may gain performance crown by selling AMD based systems thru Alienware.
http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=30289The INQ:
The minor ones are obvious, will Alienware pick up the legendary Dell industrial design and world-class support, or will they continue as a separate entity? Will Mikey Dell become the next Steve Jobs, or is he doomed to stay about as exciting as a rack full of Presslers? Will Alienware dump AMD, or will AMD take hold of Dell through the back door?
An Alienware PR representative did not deny the claim but instead forwarded us a prewritten statement from the company that said: "At this time, Alienware will not comment on any speculative stories or rumors concerning Dell and Alienware's association. While we do believe that news stories like this are ultimately a strong positive reinforcement of the Alienware brand and the company's success, we will not comment on speculation or potential future events. As always, Alienware is committed to offering consumers and businesses with the best high-performance, innovative PC products on the market and we remain manically focused on that goal."