Dell E248WFP 24" LCD: Full HD Goodness For All!

Here's an off-the-cuff review, don't expect anything in-depth or professional. Plus, I don't have a decent digital camera to post pics, other owners on TE have done or can do that.

Update: ShakenSoul has posted pics and comments in post #10 below. Also check his post in the show-off section at

So here goes:

Initial Impression:

First off, this is replacing a 3 year old 17" LG LCD, and the size of this monster has blown me away :eek:hyeah: I intentionally controlled the urge to upgrade to a 19 or 22 incher, eyeing and waiting almost a year to get this model!


When I got my hands on the package it was surprisingly lightweight and for a while I was thinking I got an empty box! The LCD is very light for it's size.

I gingerly unpacked the thing, clipped on the stand and hooked it up to my PC and took down the brightness/contrast to 50% each, colour RGB I left at 100% each. My eyes almost popped outta their sockets coz the screen looks so huge and wide to me.

Testing 1, 2, 3:

My first and foremost concern with nearly 2.2 megapixels on this thing: I spent a few minutes looking for dead/stuck pixels by running the default WinXP screensaver (mostly black background) and also loading up a full-screen all-white image, don't see any right now :hap2:

Update: I've had this LCD powered on now for the whole day without any screensaver/DPMS power-off enabled and I don't see any heat issues if I place my hands over the vents at the back.

Screen fill modes:

Next, I quickly tested the various screen fill modes, "1:1", "4:3", "16:9" and the default "Fill". I prefer to keep it at the 1:1 setting for now in case I need lower resolutions.


Then, I fired up MPlayer and loaded up, what else, "Elephants Dream" :) And it is OMFG OMFG GORGEOUS FULL HD GOODNESS! :bleh:

My poor old P4 2.4 can't seem to handle the other 1080p clips I have like the Beowulf and Indiana Jones 4 trailers, heh. So I am waiting to upgrade my desktop before I can try any games at WUXGA (1920x1200) resolution. But I expect games (and certainly videos) will look super on this LCD.

Update: I just booted into Ubuntu and ran the GLGears and Planetary Gears fast-ish moving screensavers and the edges of the gears appeared (casual visual inspection) sharp and ghosting-free to me.

Update: Downloaded the trial versions of PassMark MonitorTest and DisplayMate and ran their tests, all look okay to me. There was this horizontal sliding/moving squares test in PassMark where the vertical edges of the squares were uneve (tearing?) but I believe this is due to my graphics card and the lack of double/triple buffering.


Now, before you all go rushing out to buy one of these for yourselves, let me caution you on a few potential let-downs, even though these don't bother me:

This is a TN panel, and you can clearly see the colour/brightness shifts if you move your head around, although it's very minor, IMHO. Being a TN panel makes it much more affordable compared to the IPS/PVA panels which are mostly popular with the likes of picky/choosy graphic designers and the sort that need better (near-CRT) colour/image quality.

The upper half of the screen is a bit dimmer than the lower half and I have to keep the screen near vertical (and kinda "looking down" at it a bit) to minimise that.

Update: Looks like I get best results if I place my face about 1.5 feet in front and center of the screen, but there's no hard and fast need for me to do it.

Backlight bleed:

Also, there is a little backlight bleed all over the screen, but I'm right now sitting at 1am with dim CFL lighting in my room, so I don't expect it to be a problem during the daytime.

Note that these issues are noticeable mostly while just browsing or working on documents and stuff like that, but like I wrote above, watching videos (and I expect games too) the display is very good IMHO.

Update: The backlight bleed is barely noticeable at all during the daytime. I have also set the RGB levels to 100 each, brightness to 10 and contrast to 45 to make viewing a Word doc seem similar to looking at a real printed paper doc :)


If you're accustomed to an IPS or PVA panel (Dell UltraSharp kinda model) then I would suggest you stay away from this and get the UltraSharp 2408 PVA panel or something like that if you want Full HD yourself :)


I personally already like this monitor a lot, especially since I've been staring at a 17" TN panel for the last 3 yrs :D Now my office 17 incher will look really puny on Monday I'm sure.


Update: Here is a review where the BenQ G2400W just beats out a Dell E248WFP :) See The Amazing HD Gaming Monitor Shootout! . Both LCDs can be gotten from the "Hot Deals" section in this forum!
Update: The backlight bleed is hardly noticeable at all during the day time. My room has all the curtains drawn (closed) so it's not full daylight. I have also left the RGB all at 100% and the brightness down to 10 and contrast at 45, so simulate looking at a Word document on screen to be similar to looking at a real printed document :p

@Drift: Yes :D I finally got it yesterday (Sat) afternoon while visiting Bombay, it was with Dinesh for almost a week because I didn't want to risk shipping it via courier, heh.
thansk very much for the review raoji!

anything about ghosting?

green/purple tinges anywhere?

even if u sit in front of the monitor, i guess 24" big tn panel makes it difficult for the image to be displayed properly because of bad viewing angles even from a straight view right?
hey, you're very welcome, fcry!

how do i test for ghosting? i dont expect there to be any, otherwise we would have seen complaints on the web already.

i dont see green/purple tinges.

well, i personally dont notice any viewing angle issues in my normal head/seating position. i only notice slight shifts in brightness when i purposely move my head around by a good margin, like i have to sway my torso around :D

it's pretty much the same visual quality (of course there is the full hd goodness) as my old 17" LG TN panel...

so if you know what any TN panel looks like, then you already have an idea of what to expect from this E248WFP model.

Oh, I also just now updated the article mentioning I get best results keeping my face about 1.5 feet right in front and center of the screen :)
OK, to continue my amateur review, to test for ghosting, I just booted into Ubuntu and ran the GLGears (normal speed) and Planetary Gears (a bit faster) and the edges visually look sharp to me. Does that count as a good-enough ghosting test? I'm (lazy) not inclined on doing any proper testing here coz I'm already happy with this LCD :D
thanks stormblast :) cant wait to be able to run some games at WUXGA on this, after looking at your screenshots on this display!
vishalrao said:
Oh, I also just now updated the article mentioning I get best results keeping my face about 1.5 feet right in front and center of the screen :)

I sit nearly 2 feet away from the screen. Don't see any change in the color. The color change is only seen when we move to the side.
Adding on to the review with some pics, since I am too lazy for a full fledged review :bleh:

1. Packaging and Contents

As usual, the packaging is done well to avoid any damage while in transit. The contents includes the DVI and VGA cable, CD and manual.

2. The LCD

The LCD with the protective thermocol sheet.

Backview of the LCD.

The VESA mount.

The VGA connector.

The DVI connector.

The front panel buttons.

3. LCD in action.

The desktop viewed directly from the front.

HD content viewed from the front.

Viewed from the left, please keep in mind that these were taken with a digital camera with amateur skills and might not reproduce reality, and these angles were infact quite big.

Viewed from the right.

Viewed from the top, I mean top :bleh:

DVD content from the front.

DVD content from the left.

3. Conclusion.

For a person upgrading from a 17" CRT, the increase in space and clarity is overwhelming. And I had no idea about TN, IPS, PVA untill I came to TE. :eek:hyeah: And I have not seen a IPS, PVA panel in action before, so I cannot complain.

About gaming and ghosting, I don't game :bleh: so no comments, but I can bet it'll be awesome, since the viewing angles will be straight on.

My main purpose of the upgrade is to watch HD content and internet browsing, so I can safely say that the upgrade has fulfilled my purpose and I am satisfied, more so because of the price factor. The LCD is absolutely bang for the buck, so people complaining and particular about viewing angles, color reproduction and limited input connectors, I would advise you to stay away from the monitor. For that you must be ready to pay a premium and go for the ultrasharp, the more you expect at a economical price, the more dissapointed you'll be.
Welcome mate :) , I had the pictures ready but was tied up with work, so was not able to post a review. Anyway this is better that having multiple reviews on the same monitor.:hap2:
Ya the stand is pretty stylish IMO.

Pre-congrats to you anks22402 :p the best part is watching full HD videos on the display!

It's good to see more and more people on TE getting the E248WFP, it's already at a good price, and it will only get better this year.

You can call 2008 "The Year Of Full HD Goodness" :D
@anand: depending on where you live you can get in touch with shakensoul or dingemini312 to check for prices/availability, take a look at the "hot deals" section on this forum.

looks like we got another potential buyer interested in this LCD eh? :D
good review Vishal and thanks fir the pics SS, i've been following this review since last night.

this looks really neat and the color change which you refered to while viewing in angles does not seem much as per the pics.

good show guys!!