Monitors Dell LCDs in India....

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I'm not completly sure, but I think its a S-IPS....

I'll leave it upon more knowledgeable folks to confirm that...
VP930b uses an MVA panel. So as joe mentioned, the standard pros and cons apply. The 920b is a useless TN panel. Also for the price of the 930b(maybe lower), you'd get a 2005FPW from dell which is tonnes better than any 19" LCD.
Chaos said:
VP930b uses an MVA panel. So as joe mentioned, the standard pros and cons apply. The 920b is a useless TN panel. Also for the price of the 930b(maybe lower), you'd get a 2005FPW from dell which is tonnes better than any 19" LCD.
^^ what about 2007WFP ? what panel does that one have ?
i want to know amore about DELL ... my budget is 25k... what can i get the best in it... please please... sure u guys r jems...
joess said:
^^ what about 2007WFP ? what panel does that one have ?
S-IPS... the new 8ms panels. However there are quite a few negative reviews of it... seems some of them have severe banding problems.
Maxguru said:
i want to know amore about DELL ... my budget is 25k... what can i get the best in it... please please... sure u guys r jems...

2005FPW does not appear to be available in India. On the other hand, 2007WFP does. Considering the price of the 2405...2007WFP should be affordable...
joess said:
2005FPW does not appear to be available in India. On the other hand, 2007WFP does. Considering the price of the 2405...2007WFP should be affordable...
I guess they took it off the site cos they don't want to sell it anymore but I think it'll be there ;). Its not a wise idea to get a 2007 now with pending issues to be sorted out :P.
me me want one too .. i am gonna bug my mom!!!
man temme r these offers gonna stay right? as i cant have anything atleast a month!
no cash wit me too :P
hope these are not refurb ones.. 19 inch flat for 16.5k amazing..........

how the 19 inch ultrasharp compares to the 2005fpw?
the 19" they are showing on the site is not 1907FP ... the specs dont match.
any idea which model is it ?
Just called them up and talked to them..... The 2007 is available for 30K after discount... The 1907 Ultra sharp is available for 23K after discount....

They will be mailing me more prices soon... i will post them on TE asap :D...
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