90K+ Dell Workstation Help

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Namaste All,
I need to buy a new PC for my office PC, which works on an Architectural 3d modeling software called ArchiCAD. Earlier used to build custom PC's but was checking with Dell and they are offering this PC config with 5 years onsite warranty, which I thought would be great instead of 1/3 year RMA's we get when we assemble. Can you suggest if I should go with i9 processor or i7 processor would the extra 10K worth or its not worth the money. Also attaching a copy of quote from local vendor.

Please see the Dell prices exclude 18% tax, also when we build a custom PC we usually go for a PSU of 550W or 650W, but Dell is giving only 300W and when I asked them they said its enough, also when I checked the power usage of parts 300 looks enough, can anyone shed some light on why in custom builds we go for higher wattage PSU?

Thank you for your time.



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One of the primary reasons people building custom rigs go with higher wattage PSUs is because of leaving enough room for upgradability. A system that's consuming 300 watts will not consume the same when you swap out the GPU for a better one or add a water cooler, later on.

Moreover, PSUs and cabinets are two most renewable components in a PC that you continue to use for two to three generation worth of builds. Good quality PSUs don't get kaput so easily.
I think 300W is cutting it too close. Also I think if you want to upgrade your PSU in the future, it may not be possible because dell uses custom power supply and custom power delivery on motherboards. You will have to go to dell for upgradation
Watch out for proprietary motherboard and power supplies. Could limit your upgrade path down the line.
Recent GN video on dell prebuilt. Not your system but could be helpful.
Also watch out for dell trying to upsell warranty and support. Make sure to go through quote and invoice thoroughly to see if any discrepancies.
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Not worth it, You should Go Custom.
Go for the P4000 at that price, Instead of the RTx2060
It has decresaed in prices, Local in mumbai last quoted me 68000.
Edit : Even the RTX 4000 is somewhere in that price range.
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Thank you all for your response, RTX 4000, local vendor quoted 75K, with Dell I am getting 5 year onsite warranty that is tempting me, although all previous custom builds that I did for all these years never had a problem.
Check the software - if largely single threaded, opt for i5s over i7 and i9s and disable hyperthreading. If multi, I would opt for Ryzens

Max out the RAM that will be used in terms of DIMMs. So if you need 16GB - get 16GB DIMMs x 2

GPU - get what you can in the current scenario

Opt for a superb PSU and good cabby with cooling. I would not suggest for water cooling.

Dont go the prebuilt road unless you dont have an option. You may be stuck with a proprietary mobo and PSU

Warranty is not a big deal. Look at in hand price and plan for upgrades in 3 years.
Thank you, looking at the quote from my local vendor and Dell, the pricing seems similar (may be I am missing finer details) and Dell promised that I can upgrade upto 128 GB ram on that mother board, and then the 5 year warranty was tempting, that's where I wanted to check if it is a good deal.
Yes my software supports multi core CPU usage and recent 3-4 builds are on Ryzen and they are great.
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