Democrats take control of house:may end up winning senate

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Democrats have shifted the balance of power on Capitol Hill, capturing control of the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time in 12 years and gaining ground in the battle to win the Senate.

Two GOP Senate races — Virginia and Montana — were still up for grabs early Wednesday, with Republicans needing to win one to avoid a Democratic sweep of Congress.

Overall, Democrats shifted four Senate seats across the aisle as of 2 a.m. ET.

In Missouri, Democrat Claire McCaskill claimed an early morning victory in a close race against incumbent Republican Jim Talent in one of the nation's tightest Senate races.

In Virginia, incumbent George Allen was locked in a virtual dead heat with Democratic challenger Jim Webb, with indications the final outcome might not be known for days, and that outcome could be contested.


Not a very good news for india.

( I know this isn't a news blog but nevertheless its an interesting piece of info.So decided to post it )
^^People act differently when they are in power.BTW, nancy polowski and bush will have to work together on most issues.Bush because he's has to deal with falling public support and nancy because a lot of conservative democrats have been elected this time around.So she can't adopt a leftist position anymore.So both will be forced to adopt a more centrist position.

Its possible that dems may win senate and hillary may become senate majority leader.
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