Then there must be 67% corrupt people in India who voted to corrupt & ************* to power right !Corrupt people vote corrupt leaders into power. People in this country don't appreciate honesty. So, of course ************** get voted into power, but then, why the the heck do everybody pretend as if the new one is going to be any less of an asshole than the previous one.
One of the first impressions I got of AK was that he is devious and stupid at the same time and one of the most dangerous beings trying every thing to creep his way up the power ladder. Considering that he used corruption, caste, religion and spared no trick in the book, I don't see what you mean by "promise" at all.
If I really have no way to remove corruption from the equation, I would chose corrupt and incompetent over corrupt and devious.
The problem with your assumption is this whole fiasco didn't do a damn thing about corruption after all the cost, effort and suffering and its well known even before this was done. If anything, corruption has increased in several ways as I pointed out earlier. In fact, after this happened, there is rampart tax evasion going on at certain levels because of the expectation that IT dept is going to be too busy with stuff to even scratch their butt.
There isn't anything good about that. Only a few people in the country have home loans or have the eligibility to get home loans while on the other hand, a lot more people of all classes have savings in banks in form of deposits. Reduction in interest rates is going to help may be a few people who are getting new loans. But all the people with savings in deposits are going to be affected negatively. Also consider the fact that very few banks actually reduce the interest rates for existing borrowers while reduction in deposit interest rates is done promptly. For instance, I am still paying 10.3% interest on my home loan while I get 6.9% interest on deposits which is slated to go down even further to 6%. On top of that, I have to pay income tax on the interest effectively making it 4%.
To be honest, since a lot of money is banks, there is neither the means or the motivation to give interest on savings and deposits. Most likely, interest payment for savings and deposits will scrapped and there is also chance that negative interest will be imposed. i.e. a fee to the bank for the privilege of holding money in your account there.
What they are asking is that a person above 60 keep a large sum of their savings locked away in a single deposit for 10 years. What are they going to do if they need the money for an emergency? cancel the whole deposit, pay the penalty which is usually higher for large amounts? Do you know that banks also make it difficult for customers to cancel larger deposits mid term and even push customers towards taking a personal loan instead with their own deposit as the surety? If a senior citizen has 8~10 lac savings, its far better to invest it in the form of multiple 50k deposits even if its at lower interest rates. Of course this may be beneficial to senior citizens who have loads of money, but not to the average person.
What argument?Just to be clear, I have no choice of national anthem and I don't see any reason why playing of any song has to be made mandatory anywhere. As far as I am concerned, I see things like patriotism and nationalism no different than religious fanaticism. These kind of sentiments and thinking are all just anomalies from the animal roots of humans which intelligent and strong minded people use to control and rally them, but don't need themselves. So, I just said that our national anthem makes for a poor choice for the purpose its intended for.
Nobody from either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha openly state that they belonged to some caste or religion even now.
It is we common people who voted to Sonia Gandhi or her henchmen thinking that a foreiger will save us from us.
It is we common people who voted for a clean India this time and Modi was given a chance.
Since Modi did great in Gujarat...
No bigger conspiracy or devious agenda is in the minds of all common people that they voted for Mr.Modi this time.
He is proving to be a worthwhile candidate this time.
Lord Nemesis neither wants Kongress nor BJP nor Communists nor AAP.
He does not know what he wants. He simply argues for the sake of arguing.
Come on dude, be reasonable & rational & sensible.
Your rants wont change anything and some of your arguments are amusing to read. If you are Lord Rama & Harischandra, then why everybody is not praying to you dude...
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